Figure 8.
Influence of the circulation flows on the behavior of DNAs stretched by meniscus motion. Bold arrows represent circulating flows induced in the droplet, dotted arrows the flow directions corresponding to droplet motion and solid arrows the directions biased by the circulation flows on the surface. Large dots are adsorption points of the DNAs, broken lines indicate traces of the preceding interfaces and round solid lines show the interfaces between the meniscus and substrate. The meniscus moves from left to right in this illustration and the results are shown in the right figures. (A) Behavior of the DNAs adsorbed at the advancing edge of the droplet and then stretched by meniscus motion. The stretching direction slants towards the side of the droplet due to the circulation flow. (B) In contrast to the stretching at the advancing edge, at the receding edge the stretching direction slants towards the center of the droplet due to the circulation flow.