Total extractable phenolic compounds, condensed tannins, anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity in shells of different cultivars.
Cultivar | PhenolsA | TanninsB | AntC | ORACD |
Apache | 116,41 | 326,27 | 1,54 | 578,88 |
Cape fear | 52,24 | 185,58 | 1,57 | 321,98 |
Desirable | 66,12 | 220,87 | 1,39 | 262,03 |
Elliot | 32,18 | 130,03 | 1,09 | 57,15 |
Gloria grande | 97,69 | 270,90 | 2,92 | 547,43 |
Kiowa | 33,04 | 130,32 | 1,23 | 125,13 |
Mahan | 70,10 | 221,24 | 1,29 | 207,48 |
Maramec | 78,29 | 221,01 | 2,03 | 359,07 |
Nacono | 109,96 | 328,64 | 1,63 | 474,16 |
Oconee | 90,04 | 189,64 | 1,81 | 516,34 |
Pawnee | 116,74 | 357,49 | 3,16 | 421,75 |
Shoshoni | 59,42 | 207,87 | 2,16 | 166,92 |
Starking | 51,12 | 240,32 | 1,54 | 309,10 |
Stuart | 99,38 | 275,14 | 3,03 | 529,85 |
Success | 53,66 | 135,92 | 1,06 | 508,87 |
Sumner | 49,77 | 222,74 | 1,49 | 224,21 |
Average | 73,51 | 229,00 | 1,81 | 350,65 |
SEME | 8,35 | 29,58 | 0,67 | 54,78 |
p-valueF | < 0.0001 | 0,0008 | 0,2215 | < 0.0001 |
APhenols: Total extractable phenolics compounds as mg GAE⋅g–1 shell; BTannins: Condensed tannins as mg CE⋅g–1 shell; Canthocyanins as mg of c3g⋅g–1 shell; DORAC: Antioxidant capacity as μmolTrolox⋅g–1 kernel. Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences according to Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05). ESEM: standard error of mean; Fp-values indicate statistical probability of cultivar effect; (p ≤ 0.05; n = 3) after ANOVA test.