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. 2022 Jun 22;9:868054. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.868054


Total extractable phenolic compounds, condensed tannins, anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity in shells of different cultivars.

Cultivar PhenolsA TanninsB AntC ORACD
Apache 116,41 326,27 1,54 578,88
Cape fear 52,24 185,58 1,57 321,98
Desirable 66,12 220,87 1,39 262,03
Elliot 32,18 130,03 1,09 57,15
Gloria grande 97,69 270,90 2,92 547,43
Kiowa 33,04 130,32 1,23 125,13
Mahan 70,10 221,24 1,29 207,48
Maramec 78,29 221,01 2,03 359,07
Nacono 109,96 328,64 1,63 474,16
Oconee 90,04 189,64 1,81 516,34
Pawnee 116,74 357,49 3,16 421,75
Shoshoni 59,42 207,87 2,16 166,92
Starking 51,12 240,32 1,54 309,10
Stuart 99,38 275,14 3,03 529,85
Success 53,66 135,92 1,06 508,87
Sumner 49,77 222,74 1,49 224,21
Average 73,51 229,00 1,81 350,65
SEME 8,35 29,58 0,67 54,78
p-valueF < 0.0001 0,0008 0,2215 < 0.0001

APhenols: Total extractable phenolics compounds as mg GAE⋅g–1 shell; BTannins: Condensed tannins as mg CE⋅g–1 shell; Canthocyanins as mg of c3g⋅g–1 shell; DORAC: Antioxidant capacity as μmolTrolox⋅g–1 kernel. Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences according to Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05). ESEM: standard error of mean; Fp-values indicate statistical probability of cultivar effect; (p ≤ 0.05; n = 3) after ANOVA test.