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. 2022 Jul 5;182(8):840–848. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2022.2488

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Participants According to Leisure-time Physical Activity Pattern, National Health Interview Survey, 1997 to 2013.

Variable Pattern of physical activity, No. (%)a Overall
Inactive Weekend warrior Regularly active
Total 190 080 (52.5) 9992 (3.0) 150 906 (44.5) 350 978 (100.0)
Age, y
18-44 104 883 (56.8) 6502 (65.8) 94 750 (63.8) 206 135 (60.2)
45-64 61 134 (32.9) 2745 (27.8) 43 596 (29.4) 107 475 (31.2)
65-84 24 063 (10.4) 745 (6.4) 12 560 (6.8) 37 368 (8.7)
Men 77 684 (45.2) 6521 (69.1) 74 341 (52.7) 158 546 (49.3)
Women 112 396 (54.8) 3471 (31.0) 76 565 (47.3) 192 432 (50.8)
Race and ethnicity
Hispanic 44 261 (17.2) 1996 (15.4) 22 895 (11.2) 69 152 (14.5)
Non-Hispanic Black 32 396 (13.9) 1344 (11.6) 18 880 (10.1) 52 620 (12.1)
Non-Hispanic White 102 711 (63.0) 5964 (66.8) 100 757 (73.6) 209 432 (67.8)
Otherb 10 712 (5.9) 688 (6.3) 8374 (5.1) 19 774 (5.6)
Education level
<High school degree 42 522 (19.2) 1340 (12.1) 14 930 (9.1) 58 792 (14.5)
High school degree 59 043 (32.1) 2746 (28.1) 33 479 (22.7) 95 268 (27.8)
>High school degree 87 263 (48.1) 5876 (59.6) 102 094 (68.0) 195 233 (57.3)
Low 35 289 (14.2) 1198 (9.3) 18 284 (9.2) 54 771 (11.8)
Middle 101 402 (52.6) 4901 (47.2) 67 685 (42.9) 173 988 (48.1)
High 53 389 (33.2) 3893 (43.5) 64 937 (48.0) 122 219 (40.1)
Marital status
Married/living with partner 104 170 (64.8) 5419 (63.3) 79 805 (62.3) 189 394 (63.6)
Widowed/divorced/ separated 43 090 (14.8) 1747 (10.7) 27 521 (11.5) 72 358 (13.2)
Never married 42 277 (20.2) 2815 (26.0) 43 288 (26.1) 88 380 (23.0)
≤18.4 3439 (1.9) 144 (1.3) 2187 (1.5) 5770 (1.7)
18.5-24.9 66 258 (35.1) 3753 (36.9) 63 025 (41.8) 133 036 (38.1)
25-29.9 63 646 (33.4) 3715 (37.7) 53 229 (35.3) 120 590 (34.4)
≥30 49 335 (25.8) 2195 (22.2) 29 299 (19.4) 80 829 (22.9)
Cigarette smoking status
Never 114 015 (59.5) 5539 (56.0) 92 305 (61.6) 211 859 (60.3)
Former 31 972 (17.2) 1857 (18.6) 30 249 (20.1) 64 078 (18.5)
Current 43 436 (23.0) 2580 (25.1) 28 145 (18.2) 74 161 (20.9)
Alcohol intake
Lifetime abstainer 53 900 (27.0) 1504 (15.4) 23 825 (15.8) 79 229 (21.7)
Former drinker 25 889 (13.2) 1015 (10.1) 15 227 (9.6) 42 131 (11.5)
Current drinker 107 569 (58.3) 7409 (73.9) 110 841 (74.0) 225 819 (65.8)
Psychological distress
No 182 933 (96.5) 9749 (97.7) 147 505 (98.0) 340 187 (97.2)
Yes 5057 (2.4 163 (1.4 2336 (1.4 7556 (1.9
Chronic condition, No.
0 129 620 (69.2) 7390 (74.3) 109 655 (73.2) 246 665 (71.1)
1 47 911 (24.7) 2184 (21.7) 34 741 (22.7) 84 836 (23.7)
≥2 12 060 (5.9) 409 (3.9) 6271 (4.0) 18 740 (5.0)
Self-rated health
Excellent 51 979 (28.9) 3504 (36.3) 62 162 (42.9) 117 645 (35.3)
Very good 64 405 (34.4) 3654 (36.9) 53 762 (35.4) 121 821 (34.9)
Good 54 824 (28.0) 2363 (22.6) 29 233 (18.5) 86 420 (23.6)
Fair/poor 18 798 (8.8) 468 (4.1) 5705 (3.3) 24 971 (6.2)
Mobility difficulty
None/little 171 434 (91.1) 9678 (97.1) 146 783 (97.6) 327 895 (94.2)
Difficult/very difficult/unable 16 271 (7.7) 267 (2.5) 3666 (2.1) 20 204 (5.1)

Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared).


A multistage area probability sampling design was used by the survey. Analyses of percent values were conducted using the adjusted weights. Variable categories may not sum to 100% because of missing data. More details are available in the statistical analysis section of the Methods.


This category included American Indian or Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; Asian; Hispanic or Latino; mixed races; refused to respond; or race unknown.


Classified according to the federal poverty income scale as high (≥4), middle (<4 to >1), and low (≤1).