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. 2022 Jun 17;24(2):525. doi: 10.3892/etm.2022.11452

Table II.

Etiologies and comorbidities of 20 patients with HPVG.

Type Value (%)
     Abdominal infection 15(75)
          Strangulated intestinal obstruction 2(10)
          Simple intestinal obstruction 3(10)
          Simple intestinal obstruction with cerebral infarction 1(5)
          Simple intestinal obstruction with pulmonary infection 1(5)
          Acute enteritis 7(35)
     Pulmonary infection 5(25)
          Simple pulmonary infection 2(10)
          Pulmonary infection with simple intestinal obstruction 1(5)
          Pulmonary infection with pyloric obstruction 1(5)
     Hemorrhage 2(10)
          Hemorrhage of digestive tract 1(5)
          Cerebellar hemorrhage 1(5)
     Hypertension 10(50)
     Diabetes 6(30)
     Coronary disease 6(30)
     Cerebrovascular disease 5(25)

HPVG, hepatic portal venous gas.