Intervention to reduce free sugar intake does not affect liver health as measured by liver fat, liver fibrosis, and liver enzymes. Changes in (A) liver fat fraction and (B) liver fibrosis (intervention group, n = 43; control group, n = 38) and changes in liver enzymes including (C) AST and (D) ALT (intervention group, n = 49; control group, n = 38) for the primary analysis. Outcome variables are represented as the change variable calculated as the postintervention value minus the value at baseline. Each participant's change variable is represented by a solid dot. The medians are represented by horizontal bars. P values for the ANCOVA adjusted for the baseline value of the outcome of interest, sex, change in BMI, and change in physical activity are displayed at the top of each boxplot. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase.