Extended Data Fig. 7 |. BATF regulates chromatin accessibility of CD8+ T cells during chronic infection.
Gzmb−Cre+;Batf+/+;RosamT/mG (WT), Gzmb-Cre+;Batffl/+;RosamT/mG (BATF-HET), and Gzmb-Cre+;Batffl/fl;RosamT/mG mice (BATF-KO) were used for this experiment. At 4 weeks post-LCMV Cl13 infection, CD8+CD44+GFP+ cells, which represent polyclonal LCMV-specific CD8+ T cells, were FACS sorted to perform ATAC-seq experiments. a, Venn diagram showing overlapping and unique enhancer regions in WT, BATF-HET, and BATF-KO CD8+ T cells b, Heatmap showing enhancer regions with differential accessibility. Scale bar representing Z-Score that is generated from log2 FPKM. Each replicate was an individual mouse.