FIG. 6.
Growth profile of the B. subtilis tag-12 mutant and conditional complementation with tagD under xylose control. Overnight cultures (LB) of EB4 (tag-12), EB6 (tag+), and EB123 (tag-12 pSWEET-tagD) were inoculated (1/100) into fresh medium (LB) and grown for 25 h, with periodic monitoring of growth by OD600. Growth curves for EB4 and EB6 are represented by the symbols ○ and ●, respectively. EB123 was grown in the presence (▾) and absence (▿) of 0.2% xylose. Growth was at 30°C (permissive temperature for tag-12) until mid-log phase, when cultures were shifted to 47°C (restrictive temperature for tag-12) at 300 min (denoted by the arrow).