Figure 5.
The LOC mediates the negative effect of TGF-β1 on visual cognitive performance in schizophrenia. We performed mediation analyses to examine the effect of the LOC on the correlation between TGF-β1 and visual learning and memory in patients with schizophrenia. Path A represents a direct relationship between TGF-β1 and mean LOC thickness; path C’ represents a direct relationship between TGF-β1 and visual learning and memory; path B represents a direct relationship between mean LOC thickness and visual learning and memory; and path C represents a relationship between TGF-β1 and visual learning and memory, considering mean LOC thickness. Path AB reflects an indirect mediating effect of LOC thickness between TGF-β1 and visual learning and memory; p < 0.05. CI = confidence interval; LOC = lateral occipital cortex; TGF-β1 = transforming growth factor β1