Fig. 6. Histologic changes but no change in myeloid cell recruitment in fetal lung following blocking IL-1 and TNF signaling.
a Representative 20x H&E sections of lungs from controls, LPS, LPS + IL-1RA, LPS + anti-TNF, and LPS + IL-1RA + anti-TNF exposed animals; stars denote secondary septa, arrows represent cells in alveolar space and scale bar is 100 μm. b UMAPs of the lung hematopoietic cells across treatments (n = 2-3/condition). c Percentage of myeloid (CD88+) cells within lung CD45+ cells. Each dot represents one animal. Median and interquartile ranges are displayed, Kruskai–Wallis test; **p ≤ 0.01. NS not significant.