Extended Data Fig. 2. Workflow used to determine the structure of the various T4SS sub-complexes.
a, Workflow used to generate the OMCC C1 Ab Initio and 3.28 Å map. These maps were used for symmetry analysis of the OMCC O-layer and I-layer. b, workflow used to generate the O-layer C14 2.48 Å map and the I-layer C16 3.08 Å map. These maps were used to build and refine the atomic O- and I-layer models, respectively. c, workflow used to generate the initial Ab Initio model for the IMC-Arches-Stalk map. d, workflow used to generate the IMC-Arches-Stalk C1 6.18 Å map which was used 1- to build the Arches model, 2- for symmetry analysis of the IMC, the Arches, and the Stalk, 3- to derive the IMC protomer C1 3.75 Å map (used to build the IMC protomer model), 4- to derive the Stalk C1 3.71 Å and the Stalk C5 3.28 Å maps (used to build the Stalk model).