a Schematic diagram of wild-type Fsx1, four mutants and AtHAP2ΔTM → GPI. SP signal peptide, FL fusion loop. For colors and abbreviations see legend of Fig. 2. b Quantification of content-mixing (cell–cell fusion) in populations of cells expressing vectors (n = 7), Fsx1 (wt) (n = 7), its mutants (ΔFL → AG4A (n = 6), ΔDIV → EFF-1 stem (n = 4), ΔTMs → EFF-1 TM (n = 4), ΔTMs → GPI (n = 3), or AtHAP2ΔTM → GPI (n = 3). Bar chart showing means ± SEM. Comparisons by one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s test against the vector (black) and against Fsx1 (red). ns = non-significant, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. c Representative merged images from the experiments in (b): magenta (RFP); green (GFP) and blue (DAPI). Fused cells with RFP and GFP (arrows). Scale bars, 20 µm. See also Supplementary Fig. 7f. d Immunoblot of EFF-1-V5, control (untransfected cells) and Fsx1-V5 expressing cells. “Surface” indicates surface biotinylation followed by affinity purification using neutravidin agarose beads; “Total” indicates the expression in whole cell extracts. Actin is used as a loading control. The amount of initial cells for Fsx1 is 4 times higher than EFF-1. n = 3. e Surface biotinylation as explained in panel d for cells expressing Fsx1-V5 (WT), ΔFL → AG4A-V5, ΔDIV → EFF-1 stem-V5 or ΔTMs→EFF-1 TM-V5. n = 3. f Immunofluorescence images on non-permeabilized cells expressing Fsx1-FLAG (WT), AFF-1-FLAG (negative control, cytotail), Fsx1-ΔFL → AG4A-FLAG, Fsx1-ΔDIV → EFF-1 stem-FLAG, AFF-1-FLAG (permeabilized), Fsx1-ΔTMs → EFF-1 TM-FLAG, Fsx1-ΔTMs → GPI and AtHAP2-ΔTM → GPI. The FLAG tag was inserted before the first TM or the GPI signal of each construct except for C. elegans AFF-1 in which the FLAG is at C-terminal after the cytoplasmic tail. Transfected BHK cells were incubated with anti-FLAG antibody on ice before fixation. Non-permeabilized staining of FLAG antibody showed the surface expression of Fsx1 and the mutants. C. elegans AFF-1 tagged with a cytoplasmic FLAG is a negative control for non-permeabilized staining. Permeabilized staining of CeAFF-1-FLAG shows the localization on plasma membrane and internal compartments (see also Supplementary Fig. 7g). Scale bars, 10 µm.