Figure 6.
Depolarizing effect of TGOT on EPN neurons persists in the absence of network activity. The direct effect of TGOT on EPN neurons was investigated by using tetrodotoxin (TTX, 1 µM) to block all sodium channel activity. In the absence of network activity, bath application of TGOT depolarized the membrane potential (A) and increased the cells membrane resistance (B) at 4 and 6 min after the start of bath application. A significant hyperpolarization of the membrane potential was detected under these conditions as well (A). Average membrane potential (C) and resistance (D) values collected once every sweep (50 s) during TTX/TGOT protocol were averaged for all 19 cells showing the time course of TGOT-mediated effects, with SEM indicated in gray. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.005; ***p < 0.001.