(A) Influence of different grid types on the particle distribution of IJ1 in LMNG. The protein localizes to regions of thick ice on copper QuantiFoil and UltrAuFoil grids and is omitted from regions of thin ice in the middle of the holes (marked by the white dashed line). A 2 nm layer of carbon leads to an even distribution of particles throughout the grid holes. (B) A similar distribution is seen for IJ1 in DDM on 2 nm carbon-coated grids. Shown are example images in two magnifications (1.58 Å/px upper row, 1.23 Å/px lower row). (C) IJ1 in A8-35 on QuantiFoil, UltrAuFoil, and 2.8 nm carbon-coated grids (0.68 Å/px). IJ1 reconstituted in A8-35 is more evenly distributed compared to LMNG solubilized particles. (D) 2D class averages for A8-35 reconstituted Ij1 on the QuantiFoil R1.2/1.3 grid. Shown are the 20 most populated classes of 80. The number of particles is shown for each class.