Figure 10.
Modularity of CLA neurons projecting to RSC, M1, and BLA. (A–C) Summary of connection strengths and trends in each broad region category. Line colors represent the different CLA projection populations: RSC-projecting (retRSC—teal), M1-projecting CLA neurons (retM1—orange), and BLA-projecting (retBLA—yellow). Line thickness represents strength of innervation by the different CLA neuron populations. Numbered branches represent different innervation trends. e.g., Trend A-1: retRSC and retBLA both project heavily to mPFC and Orbital. Trend A-2: Only retRSC heavily projects to Midline and PPC. (A) For association regions. (B) For sensorimotor regions. (C) For the subcortical category. (D–F) Axonal densities clustered into functional groups to compare innervation preferences across the three CLA projection populations: association cortices (D), sensorimotor cortices (E), and subcortical category (F). Colors represent different CLA populations: retRSC (teal), retM1 (orange), and retBLA (yellow). Statistical testing was based on post-hoc Tukey’s HSD after ANOVA. Significance values: * < 0.05, ** < 0.005, *** < 0.001 and **** < 0.0001.