Figure 5.
Inhibition of P6 HEV replication by Zinc compounds. (A) Immunofluorescence assay-mediated detection of the P6 HEV ORF2 protein level in Huh7 cells electroporated with in vitro synthesized capped-genomic RNA of P6 HEV and treated for 24 h with indicated concentration of ZnO(NP), ZnO(TP), and ZnSO4. Green and blue represents ORF2 protein and nucleus, respectively. Magnification: 600×. Left panel shows ORF2 staining (Alexa fluor-488) and right panel shows superimposed image of ORF2 (Alexa fluor-488) and nucleus (DAPI) staining. (B) Graphical representation of average of % ORF2 positive cells estimated from ten random fields of samples shown in (A). (C) qRT-PCR detection of the P6 HEV genomic RNA level in Huh7 cells electroporated with in vitro synthesized capped-genomic RNA of P6 HEV and treated for 24 h with indicated concentration of ZnO(NP), ZnO(TP), and ZnSO4. P6 HEV RNA values were normalized to that of the GAPDH and represented as mean ± SEM of three independent experiments.