This figure depicts the nDCG scores for both A. thaliana and P. trichocarpa for both GENIE3 and iRF-LOOP as k, the number of edges scored, increases. The maximum k for each organism is equal to the size of the gold standard network. For both A. thaliana and P. trichocarpa, the early nDCG is higher in iRF-LOOP than GENIE3, and the overall AUnDCG for both organisms is also higher in the iRF based algorithm. For A. thaliana, AUnDCG for iRF-LOOP and GENIE3 were 91.897 and 52.694 respectively. For P. trichocarpa, AUnDCG for iRF-LOOP and GENIE3 were 18.672 and 7.972 respectively. This suggests that iRF-LOOP outperforms GENIE3.