UTCs from aged rats showed altered mitochondria bioenergetics. (A) Representative Seahorse trace measuring oxygen consumption in UTCs from young (open circles) and aged (squares) rats. Trace shows basal respiration, the addition of DMEM as a vehicle control, oligomycin (2.5μM), FCCP (0.7μM), and rotenone (10μM) (as described in the Methods section). (B) Quantitation of data from 2 individual experiments (N=4 rats/group) measuring basal respiration (P=0.001), maximal respiratory rate (P=0.013), and spare respiratory capacity (P=0.017). (C) Hypotonicity-evoked adenosine triphosphate release was significantly lower in UTCs from aged versus young rat bladders by 80%; N=3 each, P=0.006. UTC, urothelial cell; OCR, oxygen consumption rate; DMEM, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium; FCCP, carbonyl cyanide-4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone.