Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis.
Cohort | Study (country) | Design, CHD type | Year | Mean follow-up time, years (SD) | N recruited with CHD | Sex, % male | Mean age, years (SD) | European ancestry (%) | PubMed ID |
AGNES | Arrhythmia Genetics in the Netherlands | Cohort, ACS | 2001–2005 | 6.73 (4.75) | 1,459 | 79.2 | 57.8 (10.7) | 100 | 20622880 |
ANGNES | Angiography and Genes Study (Finland) | Cohort, mixed | 2002–2005 | 8.20 (4.47) | 588 | 65.5 | 64.1 (9.6) | 100 | 21640993 |
CDCS | Coronary Disease Cohort Study (New Zealand) | Cohort, ACS | 2002–2009 | 5.21 (2.15) | 2,139 | 71.3 | 67.4 (12.0) | 91.4 | 20400779 |
CTMM | CTMM Circulating Cells (Netherlands) | Cohort, mixed | 2009–2011 | 0.97 (0.37) | 713 | 69 | 62.6 (10.1) | 96.5 | 23975238 |
FINCAVAS | Finnish Cardiovascular Study | Cohort, mixed | 2001–2008 | 8.57 (3.99) | 1,671 | 69.4 | 60.9 (11.0) | 100 | 16515696 |
GoDARTSprevalent | Genetics of Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland (I) | Population, CAD | 2004–2012 | 3.47 (2.95) | 1,261 | 61.1 | 71.3 (10.9) | 99.8 | 29025058 |
GoDARTSincident | Genetics of Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland (P) | Population, CAD | 2004–2012 | 6.48 (3.06) | 2,514 | 65.9 | 69.1 (9.4) | 99.7 | 29025058 |
IATVB | Italian Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Group | Cohort, ACS | 1997–2006 | 10.47 (4.45) | 1,741 | 90.8 | 40.0 (4.4) | 100 | 21757122 |
LIFE-Heart | Leipzig (LIFE) Heart Study (Germany) | Cohort, mixed | 2006–2014 | 1.62 (2.03) | 5,564 | 77.2 | 63.9 (11.1) | 100 | 32747942 |
LURIC | The Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study (Germany) | Cohort, mixed | 1997–2000 | 8.58 (3.18) | 2,320 | 76.6 | 63.8 (9.9) | 100 | 11258203 |
OHGS | Ottawa Heart Genomics Study (Canada) | Cohort, mixed | 2010–2013 | 1.77 (0.27) | 546 | 73.8 | 65.6 (11.1) | 100 | NA |
PLATO | The Study of Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (International) | RCT, ACS | 2006–2008 | 0.86 (0.24) | 18,624 | 69.5 | 62.6 (11.0) | 98.3 | 19332184 |
PMI | Post Myocardial Infarction Study (New Zealand) | Cohort, ACS | 1994–2001 | 8.56 (3.58) | 1,057 | 78 | 62.8 (10.6) | 91.1 | 12771003 |
PROSPER | Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (Netherlands) | RCT, CAD | 1997–1999 | 3.15 (0.71) | 893 | 70.3 | 75.4 (3.4) | 100 | 10569329 |
SHEEP | Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Program (Sweden) | Cohort, ACS | 1992–1995 | 14.87 (5.91) | 1,150 | 70.7 | 59.3 (7.2) | 100 | 17667644 |
SMART | Second Manifestations of Arterial Disease (Netherlands) | Cohort, mixed | 1999–2010 | 6.77 (3.86) | 3,057 | 81.7 | 60.5 (9.3) | 98.2 | 10468526 |
STABILITY | Stabilization of Atherosclerotic Plaque by Initiation of Darapladib Therapy trial (International) | RCT, CAD | 2008–2010 | 3.60 (0.57) | 10,786 | 82 | 64.7 (9.1) | 86.1 | 24678955 |
UCP | Utrecht Cardiovascular Pharmacogenetic Study (Netherlands) | Cohort, mixed | 1985–2010 | 8.00 (4.16) | 1,508 | 75.4 | 64.1 (10.0) | 100 | 25652526 |
UKB | United Kingdom Biobank (United Kingdom) | Population, CAD | 2006–2010 | 6.39 (1.72) | 12,045 | 80.6 | 69.9 (6.1) | 94.2 | 1001779 |
VIVIT | Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment Study (Austria) | Cohort, CAD | 1999–2008 | 7.43 (2.91) | 1,447 | 72 | 64.5 (10.5) | 99.8 | 24265174 |
GENEBANK | Cleveland Clinic Genebank Study (United States) | Cohort, mixed | 2001–2007 | 3.00 (0.00) | 2,345 | 74.3 | 61.5 (11.1) | 100 | 21475195 |
INVEST | International Verapamil SR Trandolopril Study Genetic Substudy INVEST-GENES (United States/International) | RCT, CAD | 1997–2003 | 2.83 (0.82) | 5,979 | 44 | 66.1 (9.7) | 38.0 | 21372283, 17700361 |
UCORBIO | Utrecht Coronary Biobank (Netherlands) | Cohort, mixed | 2011–2014 | 1.6 (0.9) | 1,493 | 75.6 | 65.4 (10.3) | 72.4 | NA |
Additional studies not included in primary outcome analysis but included in secondary outcome analyses of all-cause mortality. | |||||||||
COROGENE | Corogene Study (Finland) | Cohort, ACS | 2006–2008 | 7.7 (0.5) | 1,489 | 70.9 | 64.7 (11.9) | 100 | 21642350 |
MDCS | Malmo Diet and Cancer Study (Sweden) | Population, CAD | 1991–1996 | 8.3 (8.0) | 4,546 | 60.2 | 58.0 (7.6) | 100 | 19936945 |
TRIUMPH | Translational Research Investigating Underlying Disparities in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patient’s Health Status (United States) | Cohort, ACS | 2005–2008 | 0.97 (0.15) | 2,062 | 72.2 | 59.8 (12.1) | 100 | 21772003 |
WTCCC (BHF) | WTCCC CAD Study (United Kingdom) | Cohort, mixed | 1998–2003 | 10.05 (2.81) | 1,926 | 79.3 | 60.0 (8.1) | 100 | 16380912, 17634449 |
More detailed information is available in Reference number 28: Patel RS,et al. (2019) Circ Genom Precic Med.
CHD, coronary heart disease; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CAD, coronary artery disease; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SD, standard deviation.