Self-assembled 3D crystals,
2D arrays, and spherical particles
using narrow size dispersed nanoparticles. (a–e) Schematics
of AuMUA and AgTMA and SEM, HRSEM, and scheme of diamond-like crystals
with the projections of {100}SL, {110}SL, and
{111}SL planes, respectively. (f–i) TEM images,
AFM image, and force vs. distance curve showing elasticity of the
self-assembled dodecanethiol capped AuNP membrane. (j–l) Schematics,
TEM image (red arrow indicates fiducial gold markers), and 3D-reconstructed
electron tomogram, respectively, of fluorinated supraparticles assembled
using HFB-II. (m) Chemical structure of iodinated peptides used for
in situ NP formation. (n–p) TEM image, 3D-reconstructed tomogram,
and cross-sectional view showing monolayer shell of AuNPs and unreacted
peptides in the core, respectively. (q) CD spectra of DF(I)NKF with
varying ratio of Au. Panels a–e reproduced with permission
from ref (7). Copyright
2006 AAAS. Panels f–i reproduced with permission from ref (9). Copyright 2007 Springer
Nature Ltd. Panels j–l reproduced with permission from ref (17). Copyright 2017 John Wiley
& Sons. Panels m–q reproduced with permission from ref (18). Published 2019 by American
Chemical Society.