Figure 5.
(a) AuNPs modified with lipoic acid (LA-AuNPs). (b) UV–vis spectra of dispersed (black) and assembled (red) LA-AuNPs. (c) TEM images showing the linear self-assembly of LA-AuNPs induced by light-triggered pH change. Scale bars 30 nm. (d) Illustration of the light induced isomerization of the photoacid. Upon irradiation, a proton is released, accompanied by the zwitterionic–anionic transition of the photoacid molecule. (e) Logic diagram of the response in an agarose network containing LA-AuNPs and photoacid, which shows classical conditioning behavior in response to light and heat. (f) Cationic AuNPs modified with (11-mercaptoundecyl)-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide (MUTAB). (g) TEM images showing the light-induced reversible hydrophobization of the cationic AuNPs due to adsorption/desorption of the photoacid. Scale bars 50 nm. (h) Photographs showing reversible transfer of cationic AuNPs between water and toluene. Panels a–c and e reproduced with permission from ref (4). Published 2019 by Springer Nature Ltd. Panels d and f–h reproduced with permission from ref (90). Copyright 2019 Royal Society of Chemistry.