Figure 2.
PCB levels and PCB homologue compositions in different brain regions show clear differences depending on age and brain region. Overall, PCB levels in neonatal samples (<1-year-old; left column) were lower compared to the samples from adults (58–80 years old; right column). Moreover, PCB residues in the brain of adult donors contained predominantly hexa- to octachlorinated PCBs. In contrast, PCB residues in neonatal brains showed a more complex PCB homologue profile than the adult samples. Also, the PCB homologue in brain regions from the same donor showed more variability in neonatal than adult brain samples. PCB levels were adjusted by wet brain tissue weight (pg/g ww) in different human brain regions from two age group donors. GA, gestational age; Amy, amygdala; BA19, Brodmann area 19; CB, cerebellum; CTX, cortex; HC, hippocampus; PFC, prefrontal cortex; SN, substantia nigra.