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. 2022 Jul 6;23(1):1–26. doi: 10.1007/s10754-022-09336-7

Table 7.

Estimation Results—ACA and Enrollment Shifting Among the Insured

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Public Insurance Public Insurance (High Income Only) Public Insurance (Excluding High Income) Medicaid Medicaid (Excluding High Income)
Non Union 0.0302***(0.00115) 0.00612***(0.000518) 0.0526***(0.00250) 0.0258***(0.00132) 0.0450***(0.00291)
Non Union x Post 0.0275***(0.00350) 0.00895***(0.00215) 0.0466***(0.00796) 0.0338***(0.00796) 0.0506***(0.00930)
N 212,934 99,391 113,543 212,934 113,543
Controls Y Y Y Y Y
Chronic Condition N N N N N
Year FE Y Y Y Y Y
Individual FE N N N N N
Region-by-Year FE Y Y Y Y Y

Table presents results from estimating Eq. (3) on the sub-sample of insured individuals. The dependent variable is either (A) a dummy variable indicating whether an individual had a public health insurance plan, or (B) a dummy variable indicating whether an individual had Medicaid. Estimates are obtained using a linear probability model. Standard errors in parenthesis, clustered at the individual level.

*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01. Observations weighted using IPUMS-MEPS sample weights. Each regression includes controls for age, age-squared, sex, race, educational attainment, marital status, income, region-by-year-fixed effects, and year-fixed effects