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. 2022 Jul 6;18(4):1505–1512. doi: 10.1007/s11332-022-00974-5

Table 4.

Responses of the normal-weight and overweight/obese groups for the physical activity questionnaire before and during social distancing resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic

Normal weight (n = 194/60.1%) Overweight/obese (n = 129/39.9%)
Before social distancing During social distancing Δ (Δ%) Before social distancing During social distancing Δ (Δ%) p adjusted (interaction times vs. group)
Sitting time
 Min/week 2903.91 ± 1248.10 3892.35 ± 1733.04* 988.44( 34.03%) 2619.36 ± 1390.83✝ 3813.17 ± 1751.20* 1193.81(45.57%) 0.06
 MET 702.83 ± 659.54 338.25 ± 466.52* − 364.58( 51.87%) 790.92 ± 837.97 332.23 ± 508.06* − 458.69( 57.99%) 0.07
 Min/week 212.97 ± 199.86 102.50 ± 141.37* − 110.47( 51.87%) 239.67 ± 253.93 100.67 ± 153.95* − 139( 57.99%) 0.07
Moderate intensity
 MET 828.02 ± 731.14 618.13 ± 695.78* − 209.89( 25.34%) 738.35 ± 707.99 439.79 ± 559.01*✝ − 298.56( 40.43%) 0.33
 Min/week 207 ± 182.78 154.53 ± 173.94* − 52.47( 25.34%) 184.58 ± 176.99 109.94 ± 139.75*✝ − 74.64( 40.43%) 0.33
Vigorous intensity
 MET 1134.09 ± 1491.30 795.51 ± 1190.24* − 338.58( 29.85%) 1119.10 ± 1349.37 497.47 ± 901.89*✝ − 621.63( 55.54%) 0.10
 Min/week 141.76 ± 186.41 99.44 ± 148.78* − 42.32( 29.85%) 139.88 ± 168.67 62.18 ± 112.73*✝ − 77.7( 55.54%) 0.10
Total physical activity
 MET 2760.93 ± 2324.78 1835.02 ± 1864.67* − 925.91( 33.53%) 2830.44 ± 2384.78 1389.17 ± 1735.74*✝ − 1441.27✝( 50.92%) 0.05✝
 Min/week 600.36 ± 490.75 398.92 ± 401.86* − 201.44( 33.55%) 566.78 ± 415.97 277.34 ± 306.29*✝ − 289.44✝ ( 51.06%) 0.05✝

Values are presented as mean ± SD (standard deviation); percentage increase. percentage decrease. Univariate general linear model and general linear model for repeated measures, adjusted by age and gender; *p < 0.05 for intragroup analysis;✝p < 0.05 for intergroup analysis