(A) Immunofluorescent staining of midguts with anti-Lip3 in fed, 8 h starved, and 24 h starved female flies. (B) Quantification of the fluorescent signals from A. (C) Quantitative real-time PCR of starved male and female flies, normalized to rp49 and actin-5c housekeeping genes and fed male and female flies, respectively. (D) Quantitative real-time PCR of 10 days (young) and 4 weeks old male and mated female flies, normalized to rp49 and actin-5c housekeeping genes and 2–5 day old male and female controls, respectively. (E) Oil RedO staining of midguts of female flies. (F) Starvation sensitivity assay, curves show average of three biological replicates of groups of 10 flies. Mann-Whitney non-parametric tests were applied for statistics but revealed no significant differences. (G) Longevity assay, curves show average of five biological replicates of groups of 20 flies. Mann-Whitney non-parametric test shows that the difference in lifespan between male wildtypes and Lip3 mutants is not quite significant (p = 0.056).