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. 2022 Apr 28;3:851039. doi: 10.3389/fragi.2022.851039



(A). Validation of candidate variants. Number of mutations validated (Pass) in multiple or a single tissue or found to be false positives or germline heterozygous variants with amplicon sequencing data. Variants are distributed by calling-confidence tier, and colors indicate the tissue in which the variant was originally called in the exome data. (B). Mutational spectrum of somatic SNVs in Parkinson brains. Variants present in the brain of Parkinson patients, segregated by substitution and trinucleotide context. (C). Correlation with COSMIC signatures. Moderate Pearson correlations (r > 0.3) between the spectrum of brain somatic variants and the single base signatures (SBS) from COSMIC. Text describes the etiology or studies relevant for each signature.