The boost in the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) from adding the trending miRNAs to combinations of the existing predictors is shown as a change in AUC. The miRNAs dramatically outperformed APOEε4 for either diagnosis and added value to an Aβ42:T-Tau prediction of AD. The boost was even more robust for MCI, where Aβ42:T-Tau levels were less predictive of MCI than AD. APOEε4 added little or nothing to models already containing Aβ42:T-Tau information. Omnibus tests of the one-sided hypotheses showed that the trending miRNAs uniformly improved prediction of disease status (i.e. positive change for all 3 models considered, accounting for dependencies among the models) return p-values of 0.024 for MCI and 0.039 for AD.