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. 2022 Jun 7;14(6):e25731. doi: 10.7759/cureus.25731

Table 6. Comparison of different variables between e-cigarette smokers and non-smokers.

Parameters Did not try e-cigarettes Tried e-cigarettes P value
Have you ever used smokeless tobacco products even once? No 96.9% 77.8% <0.001*
Yes 3.1% 22.2%
Do you smoke tobacco cigarettes now?   Everyday 9.8% 12.7% 0.002*
Some days 4.9% 7.0%
No 85.3% 80.3%
Gender Female 68.0% 21.1% <0.001*
Male 32.0% 78.9%
Educational level Elementary school 1.9% 1.1% <0.001*
Intermediate 8.0% 1.3%
High school 29.0% 19.5%
University 61.0% 78.1%
Age 15 - 17 5.5% 2.1% <0.001*
18 - 24 56.5% 66.9%
25 - 34 24.0% 22.3%
35 - 44 9.0% 5.8%
45 - 64 4.3% 2.2%
65 or over 0.6% 0.6%