a Across-subjects’ mean (±SEM, n = 5 subjects) spatial encoding index (left bars, Fisher z-transformed correlation coefficient) and across-subjects’ mean (±SEM, n = 5 subjects) recalibration index (right bars, difference in fraction ‘decoded right’ (i.e. positive azimuth) for postAV-adaptation vs. postVA-adaptation) in the ROIs as indicated. FDR-corrected one-tailed p-values from one-sample bootstrap-based t-tests for spatial encoding index: HG: p = 0.028; hA: p = 0.020; IPS: p = 0.020; IPL: p = 0.020; FEF: p = 0.024; and recalibration index: HG: p = 0.042; hA: p = 0.010; IPL: p = 0.025; FEF: p = 0.046; IPS: p = 0.086. Asterisks denote alpha level *p ≦ 0.05, **p ≦ 0.01. The individual data points are overlaid as black circles. b Neurometric function fitted to the fMRI decoded sound locations across ROIs for pre-, postVA- and postAV-adaptation phases. c RDMs (across-subjects’ mean) showing the Mahalanobis distances for the fMRI decoded sound locations across ROIs. Top row: 7 × 7 RDM for pre-adaptation phase. Bottom row: 14 × 14 matrix for postVA- and postAV-adaptation. The drawings on the left indicate the organization of the RDMs of spatial locations for pre- (top) as well as for postAV- and postVA-adaptation phases (bottom). Using MDS we projected each RDM onto a single dimension (i.e. representing space along the azimuth). For illustration purposes, we vertically offset the MDS projections for postVA- and postAV-adaptation phases and connected the projections corresponding to the same physical stimulus locations. The MDS results show that the projected locations of the postVA-adaptation phase are shifted towards the left in relation to those of the postAV-adaptation phase particularly in hA and IPS, while a more complex relationship arises in IPL and FEF. HG Heschl’s gyrus, hA higher auditory cortex, IPL inferior parietal lobule, IPS intraparietal sulcus, FEF frontal eye-field, RDM representational dissimilarity matrix, MDS multidimensional scaling, FDR false discovery rate. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.