Fig. 1. Quantification of cell-free expressed FtsA, MinD and MinE proteins from a single DNA construct.
a Each gene, ftsA, minD and minE, was placed under its own T7 promoter, ribosome binding site and T7 transcription terminator and was constitutively expressed with PUREfrex2.0 in test-tube reactions. b Quantitative LC-MS analysis of FtsA, MinD and MinE protein production after 3 h of expression at 37 °C. Abundance of the most C-terminal proteolytic peptide was quantified for each protein using an internal standard (QconCAT). Data represent mean values over three biological repeats, each analyzed in three technical replicates. c Concentration of FtsA, MinD and MinE (most C-terminal peptide) as a function of the expression time course (from 0 to 6 h). Symbols represent data from three independent experiments. The solid lines are fits to a mathematical model for gene expression kinetics (Methods section).