Figure 4.
Treatment with APOL1 ASO1 lowers profibrotic gene expression and protects from podocyte loss
(A–F) Relative transcript level of Collagen 1 (Col1a1) (A), Collagen 3 (Col3a1) (C) and fibronectin (Fn1) (E) in whole kidney lysates of NEFTA/G2APOL1 mice treated with control ASO, APOL1 ASO1 or ASO2; ∗p ≤ 0.05 versus control ASO-treated mice, ∗∗p ≤ 0.01 versus control ASO-treated mice. The correlation of relative transcript levels of APOL1 and Col1a1 (B), Col3a1 (D), and Fn1 (F) ASO-treated NEFTA/G2APOL1 mice. Podocyte number in control and APOL1 ASO-treated animals. (G) Representative images of Wilms’ tumor (WT-1) Immunohistochemistry staining, an indicator of podocyte marker in the glomerulus in wild-type NEFTA/G2APOL1 transgenic mice treated with control, APOL1 ASO1, and ASO2.