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. 2022 Jul 1;8(7):e09837. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09837

Table 8.

The impact of training on wheat and maize productivity and households’ income (Kernel based matching algorithm, bandwidth = 0.06).

Outcome variables Sample Trainees Non-trainees Difference S.E T-stat Average treatment effect with bootstrap standard error
ATT Bootstrap
Z P>|z|
WY (kg ha-1) Unmatched 4096.88 3180 916.88 112.95 8.12 - - - -
ATT 4086.49 3226.33 860.16 120.45 7.14∗∗∗ 860.16 138.83 6.20 0.000∗∗∗
NWI (birr ha-1 year-1in ‘000) Unmatched 45.85 37.43 8.42 1.726 4.88 - - - -
ATT 45.63 38.14 7.49 1.867 4.01∗∗∗ 7.49 2.045 3.66 0.000∗∗∗
MY (kg ha-1) Unmatched 3286.54 3050.14 236.41 99.28 2.38 - - - -
ATT 3285.95 2984.39 301.56 108.32 2.78∗∗∗ 301.56 109.03 2.77 0.006∗∗∗
NMI (birr ha-1 year-1 in ‘000) Unmatched 23.33 22.15 1.18 .874 1.35 - - - -
ATT 23.31 21.75 1.56 .946 1.65∗ 1.56 .893 1.75 0.080∗

WY = wheat yield; NWI = net wheat income; MY = maize yield; NMI = net maize income.

∗∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗p < 0.05; ∗p < 0.1.

Source: Field survey result, 2020.