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. 2021 Sep 6;57(4):853–862. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13869


Patient and clinical characteristics by primary care physician continuity a (N = 85,467)

No care continuity (N = 24,149) Care continuity (N = 61,318) p values
Age (years) <0.001
66.5–69 5250 (21.7%) 11,475 (18.7%)
70–74 7035 (29.1%) 16,935 (27.6%)
75–79 5892 (24.4%) 15,377 (25.1%)
80–84 3887 (16.1%) 11,093 (18.1%)
85–94 2085 (8.6%) 6438 (10.5%)
Sex 0.850
Male 11,254 (46.6%) 28,530 (46.5%)
Female 12,895 (53.4%) 32,788 (53.5%)
Race <0.001
White 21,006 (87.0%) 53,408 (87.1%)
Black 1999 (8.3%) 4503 (7.3%)
Other 1144 (4.7%) 3407 (5.6%)
Hispanic 1145 (4.7%) 2602 (4.2%) 0.001
Marital status <0.001
Married 12,796 (53.0%) 33,666 (54.9%)
Unmarried 10,573 (43.8%) 25,608 (41.8%)
Unknown 780 (3.2%) 2044 (3.3%)
Nonmetro residence location 4053 (16.8%) 10,598 (17.3%) 0.156
Residential ZIP‐code income quintiles <0.001
<$33,000 5401 (22.4%) 13,356 (21.8%)
$33,000–$39,999 3644 (15.1%) 9594 (15.7%)
$40,000–$49,999 4705 (19.5%) 12,846 (21.0%)
$50,000–$62,999 4663 (19.3%) 12,012 (19.6%)
≥$63,000 5702 (23.6%) 13,441 (21.9%)
Unknown 34 (0.1%) 69 (0.1%)
Residential ZIP‐code high school education <0.001
<30% 5641 (23.4%) 13,168 (21.5%)
30%–39% 3848 (15.9%) 9530 (15.5%)
40%–49% 3901 (16.2%) 10,905 (17.8%)
50%–59% 4415 (18.3%) 11,332 (18.5%)
≥60% 6310 (26.1%) 16,314 (26.6%)
Unknown 34 (0.1%) 69 (0.1%)
Comorbid conditions <0.001
None 10,725 (44.4%) 24,036 (39.2%)
1 to 2 9429 (39.1%) 27,005 (44.0%)
3 or more 3995 (16.5%) 10,277 (16.8%)
Tumor site <0.001
Lung 11,991 (49.7%) 28,979 (47.3%)
Colorectal 6822 (28.3%) 17,838 (29.1%)
Kidney 1012 (4.2%) 3097 (5.1%)
Esophagus 455 (1.9%) 1026 (1.7%)
Bladder 969 (4.0%) 2273 (3.7%)
Brain and nerve 2900 (12.0%) 8105 (13.2%)
Any direct cancer treatments b 19,064 (78.9%) 47,826 (78.0%) <0.001
Chemotherapy 13,928 (57.7%) 34,164 (55.7%)
Radiotherapy 8268 (34.2%) 19,622 (32.0%)
Surgery 7707 (31.9%) 20,399 (33.3%)
Stage IV c 12,380 (51.3%) 30,926 (50.4%) 0.006
Disability 2020 (8.4%) 3714 (6.1%) <0.001
Multiple cancer 2170 (9.0%) 5573 (9.1%) 0.637
Months from diagnosis to death/censored d
7–12 months 7120 (29.5%) 17,214 (28.1%)
13–24 months 6025 (25.0%) 15,030 (24.5%)
25–36 months 3406 (14.1%) 8791 (14.3%)
>36 months 7598 (31.5%) 20,283 (33.1%)
Year of diagnosis <0.001
2001–2003 5159 (21.4%) 11,758 (19.2%)
2004–2006 6323 (26.2%) 16,336 (26.6%)
2007–2009 6325 (26.2%) 16,324 (26.6%)
2010–2012 6342 (26.3%) 16,900 (27.6%)
Site of region 0.004
California 6737 (27.9%) 17,046 (27.8%)
Connecticut 1499 (6.2%) 3901 (6.4%)
Detroit 1676 (6.9%) 4855 (7.9%)
Georgia 3027 (12.5%) 6693 (10.9%)
Hawaii 188 (0.8%) 780 (1.3%)
Iowa 1388 (5.8%) 4090 (6.7%)
Kentucky 2075 (8.6%) 5683 (9.3%)
Louisiana 1587 (6.6%) 3680 (6.0%)
New Jersey 3431 (14.2%) 9222 (15.0%)
New Mexico 574 (2.4%) 1049 (1.7%)
Seattle 1507 (6.2%) 3398 (5.5%)
Utah 460 (1.9%) 921 (1.5%)
Mean (SD) p values
Number of primary care physician visits the year prior to diagnosis 6.9 (8.2) 7.8 (7.1) <0.001
Number of primary care physician visits the year after diagnosis 8.9 (10.1) 10.5 (10.2) <0.001

Note: p values for having primary care physician (PCP) continuity and patient characteristics were calculated with Pearson's Chi‐square tests for categorical variables and two‐group t‐tests for PCP visits.


PCP care continuity was defined as having visited the predominant PCP—who saw a patient the most frequently during the year prior to cancer diagnosis—within 6 months after cancer diagnosis.


An indicator of patients who underwent any direct cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical procedures for the primary tumor sites within 6 months following a diagnosis of poor‐prognosis cancers. Chemotherapy‐, radiation‐, and surgical‐related claims were identified using codes from the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Current Procedural Terminology codes, and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System codes.


Brain cancer (n = 11,005) is unspecified in the staging system.


Follow‐up time since diagnosis is the duration from cancer diagnosis to death among decedents and to December 31, 2015 among nondecedents.