Figure 1.
Characterization and quantification of isolated exosomes from tumor cell cultures. (a) Representation of the concentration and size distribution obtained using a NanoSight NS300 instrument after analysis of sample FIS 435-2D. Readings were taken five times over 60 s at 10 frames per second at room temperature. An average of all recordings was calculated and is represented in red (top panel). Average size (nm) and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for 2D and 3D exosome samples (bottom panel). (b) Representative transmission electron microscopic images of H520-derived exosomes (2D and 3D cell cultures) from NSCLC tumor cells. (c) Immunoblotting analysis for exosomal surface markers TSG101 and CD9. Calnexin was used as a negative control for exosome samples (using cell lines H1650 and SW900 as controls and FIS 471, 435 and 301 as primary cultures). β-Actin was used to assess equal protein loading. (d) Flow cytometry analysis of surface markers CD63 and CD81 in H520-derived exosomes isolated from 2D and 3D cell cultures.