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. 2022 Jun 22;14(13):3065. doi: 10.3390/cancers14133065

Table 3.

Multivariable logistic regression analysis.

KPS Postop—20 Drop KPS FU—PRE ≤ 20 + QOL < 183
Univariable Multivariable Univariable Multivariable
Parameters OR (95% C.I.) p Value OR (95% C.I.) p Value OR (95% C.I.) p Value OR (95% C.I.) p Value
Demographics Age > 65 5.890 (0.673–51.568) 0.109 2.310 (0.994–5.369) 0.002 ** 0.420 (0.127–1.392) 0.156
Age > 70 4.235 (0.751–23.880) 0.102 1.960 (0.858–4.481) 0.111
Age > 80 9.600 (1.778–21.835) 0.009 ** 0.720 (0.038–13.569) 0.827 2.841 (0.965–5.363) 0.002 ** 0.956 (0.212–4.312) 0.953
Previous surgery 1.390 (0.154–12.515) 0.769 2.218 (0.776–6.339) 0.137
Clinical and Functional ASA Score 22.414 (2.523–39.139) 0.005 ** 5.553 (1.760–7.642) 0.023 * 2.616 (1.074–5.368) 0.034 * 2.620 (0.815–8.429) 0.106
KPS pre-op 0.682 (0.539–0.862) 0.001 ** // 0.923 (0.863–0.988) 0.021 * //
KPS pre-op < 80 15.800 (11.523–19.498) <0.001 *** 1.46 (0.017–7.494) 0.98 16.320 (1.631–26.269) 0.017 * 4.824 (0.274–85.050) 0.282
Frailty Index (FI) 4.100 (1.595–10.538) 0.003 ** // 3.107 (1.744–5.534) <0.001 *** //
FI > 0.10 (Semi-Fit) 0.560 (0.100–3.145) 0.510 1.983 (0.865–4.549) 0.016 * 12.479 (2.764–16.349) 0.001 **
FI > 0.20 (Frail) 8.937 (1.663–28.032) 0.011 * 14.752 (1.463–148.777) 0.022 * 4.582 (1.643–8.778) 0.004 ** 35.457 (25.210–41.318) <0.001 ***
Surgical Skull base location 9.196 (1.048–20.669) 0.045 * 4.232 (0.280–63.975) 0.050 * 1.607 (0.707–3.654) 0.002 ** 0.821 (0.228–2.961) 0.763
Infratentorial location 3.917 (0.669–22.922) 0.013 * 6.079 (1.573–9.282) 0.028 * 4.167 (1.515–9.457) 0.006 ** 7.514 (1.514–37.280) 0.014 *
Diameter > 2.5 cm 11.224 (1.277–18.625) 0.029 * 16.078 (0.939–27.310) 0.050 * 2.899 (1.264–6.651) 0.012 * 4.983 (1.720–14.440) 0.003 **
Diameter > 3 cm 3.543 (0.685–18.331) 0.013 * 4.363 × 106 (0.000—//) 0.989 1.764 (0.722–4.308) 0.213
Diameter > 4 cm 6.950 (1.312–16.828) 0.023 * 2.754 × 109 (0.000—//) 0.998 1.925 (0.683–5.424) 0.215
Radiological Calcification 1.051 (0.186–5.935) 0.955 1.206 (0.512–2.841) 0.668
Severe peritumoral edema 1.714 (0.335–8.784) 0.518 3.238 (1.394–7.522) 0.006 ** 4.162 (1.299–13.331) 0.016 *
Necrosis 2.177e^–8 (0.000—//) 0.995 1.059 (0.419–2.677) 0.904
Hyperostosis 1.527 (0.269–8.678) 0.633 1.000 (0.389 2.571) 0.997
Heterogeneous Gd enhancement 2.167 (0.350–3.406) 0.004 ** 2.251 (0.348–14.570) 0.394 1.232 (0.508–2.990) 0.04 * 0.850 (0.281–2.567) 0.773
Sinus invasion 1.935 (0.339–11.057) 0.004 ** 2.064 (0.313–13.603) 0.451 2.560 (1.046–6.265) 0.039 * 4.458 (1.392–14.279) 0.012 *
Tumor shape (Multilobated > 2) 1.679 (0.298–9.449) 0.557 1.500 (0.638–3.526) 0.353
DWI hyperintensity 1.829 (0.248–13.470) 0.553 2.303 (0.887–5.981) 0.037 * 3.208 (1.040–9.891) 0.042 *
Absence of a Tumor-Brain cleft 4.567 (0.771–7.056) 0.044 ** 5.910 (0.880–39.675) 0.047 * 2.138 (0.687–6.650) 0.001 ** 4.350 (1.006–18.818) 0.049 *
Nagelkerke R²: 0.560
AIC: 40.695
Nagelkerke R²: 0.347
AIC: 129.927

All of the given parameters were entered into a single variable logistic regression model and were tested for association with the outcomes investigated in the study (post-operative KPS reduction of at least 20 points and follow-up KPS score 20 points lower than baseline plus a quality of life assessment under the 75th percentile of the overall population). Those reporting significance at the univariable regression analysis entered a multivariable logistic regression model to test for independent association. Significant results are followed by an asterisk (*). * p ≤ 0.05; ** p ≤ 0.01; *** p ≤ 0.001. Quality of model fitting is reported by means of the Nagelkerke R2 and Akaike information criterion (AIC). OR: odd ratio; CI: confidence interval; QOL: quality of life.