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. 2022 Jun 28;19(13):7931. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19137931
Project description & background
  • 1.

    Tell us a bit about your funded program, who, what, when, where, and how has it been delivered?

Which sport activity, target audience, capacity of the program, when is/has it been delivered, for how long, frequency, where is it being delivered, number of staff or volunteers
  • 2.

    Tell us about you and your role please within the organisation and the funded project?

Lead, Admin, coach, referee etc.
  • 3.

    What was your organisation’s primary aim of this funded project?

Increase participation in general/of a target group, introduce a new product, collaborate with new partner?
  • 4.

    Where did you receive information about the MoveItAus grant program from?

Website, media, people, Sport Australia, SSO, word of mouth etc.
  • 5.

    What inspired you to register in the MoveItAus grant program?

Financial, recognition of your organization, increase in business, collaboration etc.
Impact of recent events
  • 6.

    How your program has been impacted by recent events in our communities. Has the delivery of your program been impacted in any way by unforeseen circumstances?

Has your program been impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires/COVID-19 – Coronavirus, other factors? Or not affected at all?
  • 7.

    If your program has been affected, can you please detail how it has been affected?

Program delivery is unchanged or near completion and will meet milestones, program delivery unchanged but may be affected in the future, program delivery affected and delivery will be delayed, program affected and format or activities delivered will have to be altered, it is too early to know how our program will be affected?
  • 8.

    What key activities will be undertaken over the coming weeks to manage risk or mitigate the impacts of COVID-19?

Delay program delivery, alter program format or activities delivered?
  • 9.

    Based on the information provided, do you believe you will be able to complete the project in the allocated time frame?

Will you finish the project by the project end date? Will you be able to spend and acquit funds by the due date?
A bit about your experience delivering the move it AUS program…
  • 10.

    How has the program been received by the participants?

How did you form this opinion? What is this based on?
  • 11.

    Has the program influenced your membership or participation figures in any way?

Issues related to travel, expense, security, competitiveness, engagement 
Yes- how and why do you think so?
No- how and why do you think so?
  • 12.

    What is the target audience for your program and what is the reason for this?

One of the target audiences highlighted in Move It Aus grant applications, or simply inactive population of a specific age group? Explain why that choice was made?
  • 13.

    Were you successful in delivering the program to the target group?

Funds, engagement of effective deliverers who engage with target market, staff, attitudes of participants
  • 14.

    What were three things that worked well and why?

Participation rate, conversion to memberships, positive feedback
  • 15.

    What challenges or barriers (at least 3) did you come across while delivering the program?

    Did you overcome them?

    How will you overcome them in the future?

Participation rate, Dropouts, barriers, implementation, staff, parental support, data collection, funds
  • 16.

    To continually promote your program, what measures have you or will you try to promote the participation of people in your program?

Attitudes, behaviours, secure environment, attractive spaces, less competitive atmosphere, engagement, awareness, knowledge, targeted approach
  • 17.

    Did your organization carry out this program before the MoveItAus grant?

    Yes- what changes did you make in the original program?

    No- what motivated you to conduct this program?

Capacity building of the organization, staff recruitment, enhancement of the sporting area, targeted participation, how does the program fit within the organisational structure etc.
How does the funded program fit within your organisation?
  • 18.

    How does your funded program fit within your organisation?

Is it a new program or scaling/alteration of existing program?
  • 19.

    Has this project influenced your wider organisation in any way?

If yes, how?

Recognition, collaborations, motivation to improve, employment etc.
  • 20.

    Tell me about the priorities of your organisation? What are your key performance outcomes and how was this program designed to impact these KPIs?

Increased membership, improved public perception of organisation, increased participation of target group etc.
  • 21.

    How does your organisation tackle physical inactivity outside of this grant program?

Targeted approaches to increasing participation amongst inactive or disengaged members of public? Or not at all? Why not? Is this the first time this approach has been taken and why?
  • 22.

    What are your key learnings for you and your organisation from this program?

Implementation issues, target audience difficulties, staff management of the program, how did you keep the participants engaged, how has it impacted your key KPIs and organisational outcomes
  • 23.

    Does your organization intend to increase the reach of this program?


Capacity building – staff, volunteers, type of sports, frequency of program, means to increase participation rate, engagement, study the attitudes of target audience, technological support, collaboration etc.
Your funded program and organisation’s role within the global approach to reducing physical inactivity
  • 24.

    On a scale of 1-10, how important is tackling physical inactivity to your organisation?

Self-driven research, funding programs for the inactive, evaluation of programs on improving PA outside of this current evaluation?
  • 25.

    Do you believe your program is tackling inactivity? If so, how?

Which sport, geographical area, target group, effects of this sport on health
  • 26.

    How has this program helped your organization to tackle inactivity?

Funds helped in capacity building, better provision of resources, technological support
  • 27.

    On a scale of 1-10, how important is tackling physical inactivity through sport to state and national governments?

Your opinion
  • 28.

    On a scale of 1-10, how important SHOULD tackling physical inactivity through sport to state and national governments?

Your opinion
  • 29.

    How confident are you that your organisation can reach the following target groups identified as more inactive?

Culturally & linguistically diverse people, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, people living in rural/remote locations, and women & girls
  • 30.

    Do you believe that increase in the number of programs like your program can change the present scenario related to disease burden due to physical inactivity?

Yes/no - why?
Recommendations and next steps
  • 31.

    How do you think this program might be improved for the future?

Resources required, effective reach to target groups,
  • 32.

    How might you alter your program delivery in the future to increase effectiveness or address the challenges/barriers you previously mentioned?

Refer to earlier challenges
  • 33.

    What would be your advice to other organisations looking to deliver a program like this?

Ensure effective program planning & staff recruitment to effectively roll out program, plan of previous attempts
  • 34.

    Any final comments?