Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT–A): (a) Schematic sketch of quantitative OCT–A analyses of the macula (12 sectors, at 30°), (b) foveal avascular zone (FAZ, red), and (c) the peripapillary region (4 sectors, at 90°), quantified by the Erlangen-Angio Tool; quantification of vessel density was performed by implementation of the Anatomic Positioning System (APS, part of Glaucoma Module Premium Edition [GMPE], Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) considering each individual anatomy. The APS can be done by fixation of two points, the fovea and the center of the Bruch’s Membrane Opening (BMO), and the subsequent adjustment of the image to each individual Fovea-to-Bruch’s Membrane Opening-Center (FoBMOC). Peripapillary OCT–A scans were analyzed as BMO-based.