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. 2022 Jun 22;23(13):6923. doi: 10.3390/ijms23136923

Table 1.

Summary of recent clinical trials that are published or currently underway (, accessed on 3 June 2022).

N Patients Recruitment Selection Strategy Study Design Primary Outcomes Secondary Effects Status
20 -Stable medication with carbidopa/LD, Selegiline and anticholinergic medication.
-Symptoms of PD from 1–17 years.
-54 to 70 years; All sexes
4 groups:
CoQ10 provided at doses of 300, 600 or 1200 mg/day plus vitamin E (300 UI) and a placebo.
-↑ of plasma CoQ10 level
-Normalize Complex I activity mitochondrial
-↓ decrease in the original UPDRS score
Nonsignificant secondary effects Phase 2
Ref [45]
600 -Without PD medication before 60 days.
-Presence of all cardinal signs within 5 years.
-Hoehn and Yahr stage of 2.5 or less
-30 years and older; All sexes
3 groups:
CoQ10 at doses of 1200 and 2400 mg/day plus vitamin E (1200 UI) and placebo
No change in MDS-UPDRS score, Hoehn and Yahr score, PDQOL and SE-ADL scales. -Back pain,
Phase 3
Ref [47]
-Stable PD medication for at least 4 weeks
-18 years and older
-All sexes
4 groups:
Stratified by their genetic mitochondrial risk burden and randomized 1:1.
CoQ10 at dose of 156 mg/day [QuinoMit Q10® Fluid] and placebo
Not reported Not reported Phase 2
Ref [55]
298 -Without PD medication
-Serum urate ≤ 5.7 mg/dL at 1st visit
-Presence at least 2 of the cardinal signs
-Hoehn and Yahr stage of 2.5 or less
-30 years and older; All sexes
2 groups:
Inosine at dose of 500 mg, 1 to 6 capsules per day to achieve serum urate at 7.1 to 8.0 mg/dL and placebo for 24 months
-No change in MDS-UPDRS score and DAT binding
-↑ of serum urate level.
-Kidney stones Phase 3
Ref [73]
75 -Without PD medication
-Serum urate ≤ 5.8 mg/dL at 1st visit
-Presence at least 2 of the cardinal signs
-30 years and older; All sexes
3 groups:
Inosine at dose of 500 mg, 1 to 6 capsules per day to achieve serum urate at 6.1–7.0 mg/dL (mild), 7.1–8.0 mg/dL (moderate) and placebo for 2 years
-↓ significant decrease in the MDS-UPDRS score in moderate group in woman.
-↑ plasma antioxidant capacity in woman.
-↑ serum urate level and CSF in women
-Kidney stones Phase 2
Ref [195]
42 -Stable PD medication for at least 1 month
-Hoehn and Yahr score of 1–2 inclusive
-30 to 80 years
-All sexes
2 groups:
IV NAC at dose of 50 mg in 200 mL at frequency over one hour 1 × per week for 90 days plus Oral NAC at dose of 1200 mg/day and standard of care treatment (control group)
-↓ significant decrease in the MDS-UPDRS score
-↑ DAT binding in caudate and putamen
Not reported Not applicable
Ref [86]
8 -Stable PD medication
-18 years and older
-All sexes
2 groups:
NAC at dose 6000 mg/day for 4 weeks and healthy controls
-↑ significant increase in catalase and GSH/GSSG peripheric
-No change in 4–HNE and MDA.
-No change in brain levels of GSH
-Gastrointestinal disorder
-Nervous system disorders
Phase 2
NCT02212678 accessed on 3 June 2022
35 -Stable medication with monoamine oxidase inhibitor.
-Diagnosis within the past 5 years
-18 years and older; All sexes
2 groups:
NAC at dose 2 g/day for 3 days and healthy controls
-↑ Cys–DA/DOPAC ratio Not reported Phase 1
Ref [196]
47 -Without PD medication
-50 to 75 years
-All sexes
3 groups:
NAC at dose of 1800 mg/day, 3600 mg daily and placebo for 30 days
Not reported Not reported Phase 2
NCT01470027 accessed on 3 June 2022
Vitamin C
67 -Stable medication with LD
-64 years and older
-All sexes
1 group:
First time: 100 mg LD + 10 mg carbidopa and Second time (1 week later) 100 mg LD + 10 mg carbidopa + 200 mg AsA.
-↑ LD pharmacokinetics Not reported Not applicable
Ref [98]
Vitamin E (Tocotrienols)
100 -Stable PD medication
-Diagnosis within the past 1 year
-PD of more than 1 year duration from diagnosis.
-Hoehn and Yahr score ≥ 2
-40 to 90 years
-All sexes
2 groups:
Tocotrienols (400 mg/day) and placebo for 12 months
Not reported Not reported Phase 2
NCT04491383 accessed on 3 June 2022
38 -Stable PD medication for at least 1 month.
-Hoehn and Yahr score of 1–3
-30 years and older
-All sexes
3 groups:
EGCG at dose of 800 mg, dose of 1200 mg and placebo (mannitol) group for 4 weeks. Then one capsule twice daily for 4 weeks, and then one capsule three times daily for 40 weeks
-No change in UMSARS score -Hepatotoxicity
Phase 3
NCT00461942 accessed on 3 June 2022
Herbal Medicine
30 -Stable PD medication
-Initiation of PD symptoms in recent 6 years
-Hoehn and Yahr score of ≤3
-30 to 80 years
2 groups:
Oral Licorice at dose 10 cc/day and placebo (syrup) for 6 months
-↓ significant decrease in the MDS-UPDRS score
-↓ daily activities score
-↓ motor test score
-No change in tremor, rigidity score and YAHR score.
Not applicable
Ref [197]
72 -Stable PD medication
-Hoehn-Yahr score ≤4
-50 to 80 years; All sexes
2 groups:
CSGs (Herbal cistanches 6 g, Polygonatum sibiricum 12 g, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. 15 g, Radix Paeoniae rubra 12 g, and Cortex Moutan 10 g), 2 capsules per day and placebo (Radix Bupleuri) for 12 weeks.
-↓ significative in the MDS-UPDRS sub-II score,
-↓ significative in PDQ-39 score,
-Significative improvement in CM syndrome score.
-Internal heat
-Dryness heat.
Ref [192]
107 -Basic treatment with prednisone.
-Sleep disorder
2 groups:
Huatan Jieyu granule and placebo for 4 weeks.
-↑ significative of total sleep time
-↑ significative of NREM 2-3
-↑ significative of REM sleep
-↓ significative in NREM1
Not reported Not applicable
Ref [193]
240 -Stable medication with carbidopa/LD, anticholinergics, MAO inhibitors, or amantadine for at least 28 days
-Hoehn and Yahr stage score of ≤4
-NMSS score ≥40
-18 to 80 years; All sexes
2 groups:
SQJZ herbal mixtures at dose of 29.375 g, 2 times per day and placebo for 12 weeks
Not reported Not reported Phase 2
NCT02616120 accessed on 3 June 2022

AsA: Ascorbic acid; CoQ10: Coenzyme Q10; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; CSG: Congrong Shujing Granules; DAT: Dopamine transporter; DOPAC: 3,4- dihydroxyphenylacetic acid Cys 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine; EGCG: Epigallocatechin gallate; IV: Intravenous; LD: Levodopa; MAO: Monoamine oxidase; MDS: Movement Disorder Society; NREM: Non rapid eye movement; NMSS: Non-Motor Symptoms Scale; NAC: N-acetyl-cysteine; PDQOL: Parkinson Disease Quality of Life; REM: Rapid eye movement; SE-ADL: Schwab and England -activities of daily living; UPDRS: original Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; MDS-UPDRS: Muscle Disorder Society updated Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; arrows correspond to: ↑: Increase; ↓: Decrease.