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. 2022 Jun 24;23(13):7014. doi: 10.3390/ijms23137014

Table 2.

List of 11 exclusively identified kinases, phosphatases, and associated regulator proteins reported to be upstream effectors in each proteome and their correspondingly mapped targets, followed by downstream signaling involved in glycogenesis and glycogenolysis.

Proteins Identified in the Proteomes Downstream Target Mapped
Genotype Upstream Effector Class Research Source Function Target Class Research Source Function Downstream Signaling
Trpv1 KO DUSP3 Phosphatase map04010 Inhibition MAPK14 Kinase PSP_454221 Inhibition GSK3B
Trpv1 KO MAPK14 Kinase PSP_454221 Inhibition GSK3B Kinase map04910 Inhibition GYS2
Trpv1 KO MAPK14 Kinase map04068 Activation FOXO TF map04910 Activation PEPCK, G6PC1, FBP1, FBP2
Trpv1 KO PTPA Regulator Guo et al., 2014 Activation PP2A complex Phosphatase Hernández et al., 2010;
Yadav et al., 2017
Activation, Activation, Inhibition GSK3B,
Trpv1 KO ENSA Regulator Thapa et al., 2020 Inhibition PP2A complex Phosphatase Hernández et al., 2010;
Yadav et al., 2017
Activation, Activation, Inhibition GSK3B,
Trpv1 KO PRRC1 Regulator Kotani et al., 2009 Activation PKA Kinase PSP_449111, map04922,
Ahn et al., 2007
Inhibition, Inhibition, Activation, Activation GSK3B,
PP2A complex
Trpv1 KO ARFGEF2 Regulator Li et al., 2003 Activation PKA Kinase PSP_449111, map04922,
Ahn et al., 2007
Inhibition, Inhibition, Activation, Activation GSK3B,
PP2A complex
Trpv1 KO SGK2 Kinase map04068 Inhibition FOXO Transcription factor map04910 Activation PEPCK, G6PC1, FBP1, FBP2
WT MAPK1 Kinase map04068 Inhibition FOXO Transcription factor map04910 Activation PEPCK, G6PC1,FBP1, FBP2
WT ATM Kinase PSP_454221 Inhibition GSK3B Kinase map04910 Inhibition GYS2
WT PPP2R1B Phosphatase map04152 Inhibition AMPK Kinase map04152 Inhibition GYS2
WT PPP1CB Phosphatase PSP_448786 Inhibition AMPK Kinase map04152 Inhibition GYS2
WT PPP1CB Phosphatase map04910 Inhibition PHKB Kinase map04922 Activation PYGL
WT PPP1CB Phosphatase map04910 Activation GYS2 Kinase map04922 Glycogen synthase Glycogen

The research source included the KEGG database (ID: map), PhosphoSitePlus (ID: PSP), and literature data.