CD4+ T cell reactivity as a function of donor sex and age. The cohort of 89 acute COVID-19 donors was analyzed for CD4+ T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 S by AIM + ICS assays. (A) The spike-specific AIM+ and IFNγ+ CD4+ T cell responses are shown for the entire cohort as a function of donor sex (male in white and female in dark grey). The y-axis begins at the LOD for each assay and the dotted line represents the LOS. Mann–Whitney U tests were applied to the data and the results are indicated by symbols when significant. (B) The CD4+ AIM and IFNγ reactivity to S is shown as a function of donor age. Mild (n = 21, blue), moderate (n = 35, yellow), and severe (n = 33, red) disease states are plotted together. R and p-values are calculated by Spearman correlation.