Hypergravity affects Vβ segments’ usage and germline transcripts. (A) Vβ segments’ expression was evaluated by semiquantitative PCR. Each experiment was performed using a pool of mRNA from 8 to 11 mice. The relative intensity for each of the 11 studied Vβ segments was normalized over TCRβ constant region amplification. The right panel presents the Vβ segments’ amplification results from one representative experiment out of three. Then, dispersion indexes were calculated to evaluate variation between experiments (I(inter-exp), used as reference) and to evaluate variation between 1G and 2G conditions in each experiment (I(1G–2G)). The graphic (left panel) presents dispersion indexes calculated for each experiment (dot) and the mean of three independent experiments (black line). ND = not diluted. (B,C) Expression of Vβ germline transcripts evaluated by semiquantitative PCR. (B) Example of amplification observed for four mice in each group. (C) Histograms presenting the relative intensity of Vβ germline transcripts amplification normalized to PPIA intensity. A total of 8 Vβ germline transcripts were tested, and only four were detected under our conditions. Data are mean ± SEM of eight mice per group. Mann–Whitney tests were used to reveal statistically significant differences. * p < 0.05, t indicates a tendency.