Afv, Asw | Area of steel stirrups |
R | Reduction coefficient (ratio of effective average stress/strain in FRP sheet to its ultimate strength) |
R | Rectangular beam |
T | T beam |
Vc | Shear resistance of concrete |
Vs | Shear resistance of steel stirrups |
Vf | Shear resistance provided by FRP |
VRd,f | FRP contribution to the shear capacity |
VRd,s | Steel contribution to the shear capacity |
VRd,c | Steel contribution to the shear capacity |
τavg | Average shear strength (τavg = Vexp/Vthe) |
α, β | Angle of steel and FRP transverse reinforcement |
a | Shear span |
bf, bw | Web widths of FRP and concrete |
d, dfv | Effective depth of beam and FRP |
fc, f′c | Characteristic compressive strength of concrete |
Ef, Esw | FRP and steel elastic modulus |
fbd | Design resistance of the adhesion between FRP and concrete |
fywd | Design steel stirrup strength |
ffed | Effective design strength of the FRP shear reinforcement |
fyt | Characteristic yield strength of transverse reinforcement |
ffe | Effective stress in the FRP; stress level attained at section failure |
ffu | Design ultimate tensile strength of FRP |
fck, fctm | Characteristic cylinder compressive and mean concrete tensile strength of concrete |
fsy, fyt | Yielding stresses of longitudinal steel reinforcement and steel stirrups |
hw | Beam cross-section height |
kv, k1, k2 | Bond-reduction coefficient and modification factors |
Lmax, Le | Maximum and effective length |
r | Reduction factor for steel stirrups |
wf | Spacing, thickness, and width of the FRP strip |
sf, tf | Spacing and thickness of FRP strip |
f | Spacing of FRP strips measured perpendicular to FRP strip axis |
s | Spacing of the steel stirrups |
V, Vn | External, and nominal shear forces |
vexp, vthe | Experimental and theoretical nondimensional shear strengths, where vexp = (Vexp/(bw 0.9d 0.5 fc)) |
z | Inner lever arm |
ɛsyw | Yield strain of steel stirrup |
ɛfe | Effective FRP strain |
ɛfu | Nominal FRP strain |
ɛfe,s | Effective strain in the direction of transverse steel reinforcement |
θ | Angle between member axis and concrete stress |
λ | Maximum bond length (normalized) |
c | Stress of the web concrete (non-dimensional) |
f | Tensile stress of transverse FRP (non-dimensional) |
s | Stress in transverse reinforcement (non-dimensional) |
φ | Angle between the FRP reinforcement direction and steel stirrups |
ρf, ρs | Transverse geometrical ratio of fiber and steel reinforcement |
σf,max | Maximum stress along the bond length |
ψ | Fictitious angle of reinforcement incorporating FRP and transverse steel reinforcement |
ψf ωfw, ωsw ωfw ωsw |
Reduction factor equal to 0.95 in case of wrapping scheme, 0.85 for the other schemes Mechanical ratio of transverse FRP and stirrups reinforcement (2bftfffu)/(bw sf sin β fc) (Av fyt)/(bw s sin α fc) |