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. 2022 Jun 28;15(13):4545. doi: 10.3390/ma15134545
Afv, Asw Area of steel stirrups
R Reduction coefficient (ratio of effective average stress/strain in FRP sheet to
its ultimate strength)
R Rectangular beam
T T beam
Vc Shear resistance of concrete
Vs Shear resistance of steel stirrups
Vf Shear resistance provided by FRP
VRd,f FRP contribution to the shear capacity
VRd,s Steel contribution to the shear capacity
VRd,c Steel contribution to the shear capacity
τavg Average shear strength (τavg = Vexp/Vthe)
α, β Angle of steel and FRP transverse reinforcement
a Shear span
bf, bw Web widths of FRP and concrete
d, dfv Effective depth of beam and FRP
fc, fc Characteristic compressive strength of concrete
Ef, Esw FRP and steel elastic modulus
fbd Design resistance of the adhesion between FRP and concrete
fywd Design steel stirrup strength
ffed Effective design strength of the FRP shear reinforcement
fyt Characteristic yield strength of transverse reinforcement
ffe Effective stress in the FRP; stress level attained at section failure
ffu Design ultimate tensile strength of FRP
fck, fctm Characteristic cylinder compressive and mean concrete tensile strength of concrete
fsy, fyt Yielding stresses of longitudinal steel reinforcement and steel stirrups
hw Beam cross-section height
kv, k1, k2 Bond-reduction coefficient and modification factors
Lmax, Le Maximum and effective length
r Reduction factor for steel stirrups
wf Spacing, thickness, and width of the FRP strip
sf, tf Spacing and thickness of FRP strip
s¯f Spacing of FRP strips measured perpendicular to FRP strip axis
s Spacing of the steel stirrups
V, Vn External, and nominal shear forces
vexp, vthe Experimental and theoretical nondimensional shear strengths,
where vexp = (Vexp/(bw 0.9d 0.5 fc))
z Inner lever arm
ɛsyw Yield strain of steel stirrup
ɛfe Effective FRP strain
ɛfu Nominal FRP strain
ɛfe,s Effective strain in the direction of transverse steel reinforcement
θ Angle between member axis and concrete stress
λ Maximum bond length (normalized)
σ˜c Stress of the web concrete (non-dimensional)
σ˜f Tensile stress of transverse FRP (non-dimensional)
σ˜s Stress in transverse reinforcement (non-dimensional)
φ Angle between the FRP reinforcement direction and steel stirrups
ρf, ρs Transverse geometrical ratio of fiber and steel reinforcement
σf,max Maximum stress along the bond length
ψ Fictitious angle of reinforcement incorporating FRP and transverse steel reinforcement
ωfw, ωsw
Reduction factor equal to 0.95 in case of wrapping scheme, 0.85 for the other schemes
Mechanical ratio of transverse FRP and stirrups reinforcement
(2bftfffu)/(bw sf sin β fc)
(Av fyt)/(bw s sin α fc)