Description of the dynamic and controlled model of osteogenesis. (A,B) New bone development in a representative entire cylinder content filled with BO at 2 weeks (A) and 4 weeks (B): Left panels: whole cylinder content—Right panels: magnifications from the delimited zones RZ, OZ, and GT (yellow dotted lines). RZ is the remodeling zone in which new bone trabeculae (green, ∞) surround the particles (purple, P) and are lined by osteoblast rows (∆) and a rich vascularized (*) fibroconnective tissue. OZ is the osteogenic zone, a fibroconnective tissue and an osteoid tissue, highly vascularized, in which the matrix is being mineralized and appears in light green (+). GT is the granulation tissue that migrates to the top of the scaffold over time, dragging the OZ and the RZ. At 2 weeks, a missing part from the scaffold, not colonized by cells, was detached and is figured by a purple rounded square. Black bars in the magnifications: 100 µm. (C) Total new bone measured in the whole cylinder (% total area) at 2 and 4 weeks. Bio-Oss n = 6 at 2 and 4 weeks (dark grey), control (sham) n = 4 at 2 and 4 weeks (light grey), results expressed as mean +/− sem. Bracket p < 0.05.