EP implantation without any oral health considerations.
Carious lesions with dentin exposure, with healthy pulp status
Moderate periodontal treatment need, i.e., periodontal screening index (PSI) ≥ 3 in maximum of two sextants
No apical radiolucency, no inflammatory findings in radiographs
EP implantation with a subsequent referral to the dentist at 6 months after EP implantation.
Profound caries, touching the pulp chamber
Severe periodontal treatment need (e.g., suppuration, endo-perio-lesion)
Apical radiolucencies
(partly) retained teeth with pericoronal inflammation, inflammation in jaw bone, additional inflammatory findings
EP implantation is deferred until potential dental focus is therapized. Referral to family dentist and/or specialists for demand-oriented dental therapy using standardized forms.