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. 2022 Jun 24;15:898851. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.898851



PVvDG neuron activity is altered by CSDS and associated with behavioral outcome. (A) Diagram and timeline of CSDS and intra-vDG electrophysiological recordings. (B) Representative animals depicting separation of animals into non-defeated control (ND), resilient (Res, SI ratio ≥ 1), and susceptible (Sus, SI ratio < 1) groups [one-way ANOVA, Non-defeated (n = 23), Res (n = 23) and Sus (n = 15)]. (C) Example heatmaps displaying time spent in the SI arena with caged aggressor. (D) All neurons detected (n = 772) went through a first stage classification based on the through-to-peak latency and burst index (BI) to distinguish putative excitatory cells (black dots, n = 336, BI > 1.8), narrow-waveform putative PV neurons (red dots, n = 142, latency ≤ 0.4 ms) and wide-waveform putative interneurons (green dots, n = 294, latency > 0.4 ms). Scale bars for the representative waveforms represent 1 ms. (E) Excitatory neurons were further classified in putative mossy cells (n = 133, AHP < 70) and putative granule cells (n = 203, AHP > 70) based on the bimodal distribution of the AHP current, measured from the first derivative of the spike. (F–I) Histograms show frequency (mean ± SEM) of the putative neuronal types analyzed in the respective experimental groups. Each black dot represents a neuron. (F) Susceptibility is associated with an increase in PV neuron spike frequency that is reversed by Ketamine (n = 31/7 (neurons/mice) ND mice; 36/7 resilient mice, 37/5 susceptible mice, and 38/3 for susceptible mice treated with ketamine). (G) Susceptibility is associated with decreases in GC spike frequency that is reversed by Ketamine [n = 61/7 (neurons/mice) ND mice, 47/7 resilient mice, 41/5 susceptible mice, and 54/3 susceptible mice treated with ketamine]. (H) Ketamine increases MC spike frequency [n = 31/7 (neurons/mice) ND mice, 49/7 for the resilient mice, 27/5 for the susceptible mice, and 26/3 susceptible mice treated with ketamine. (I) CSDS or Ketamine did not alter spike frequency in other inhibitory neurons (n = 85/7 (neurons/mice) ND mice, 97/7 resilient mice, 62/5 susceptible mice and 50/3 susceptible mice treated with ketamine). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post hoc comparison.