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. 2022 Jul 5;14(13):2766. doi: 10.3390/nu14132766

Table A1.

Mothers’ exposure to different doses of BPA and the effect on their offspring in childhood and adulthood for animal studies.

Reference Effective Dose Pregnant Mothers Offspring Childhood Offspring Adulthood
Male Female Male Female
[51] 2.5 µg/kg/day No effect on lipid metabolism NS foetus hepatic TG and TC content
[43] 1 and 100 µg/kg/day Week 14
↑ hepatic TG (1 and 1000 BPA)
↑ liver weight (1 BPA)
↑ hepatic TG (1000 BPA)
↑ liver weight (1000 BPA)
[43] 1 µg/kg/day Week 14
↑ hepatic TG ↑ glucagon ↑ fasting glucose
↑ insulin levels
NS hepatic TG
NS glucagon
NS fasting glucose
NS insulin levels
[44] 5 μg/kg/day 4 weeks 10 and 21 weeks
↓ BW NS BW ↑ glucose clearance
↑ plasma
↑ TG
↑ UC
↑ hepatic TC content
↑ BW (13, 14, 20, and 22 weeks)
↓ hepatic TG
NS lipid parameters
NS insulin
NS glucose tolerance
[52] 100 μg/kg/day NS BW NS birth weight
↑ hepatic TG
NS body composition (fat/lean mass ratio)
↑ BW but NS
↑ energy intake but NS
↑ body composition (fat/lean mass ratio)
[55] 2.5 µg/Kg/day ↓ BW third week ↑ birth weight
[45] 0.5 or 50 µg/Kg/day 5 and 52 weeks
↑ insulin secretion (0.5 BPA)
↓ insulin secretion (50 BPA)
[56] 0.5 and 5 mg /Kg/day 21 Months
NS plasma triglyceride (0.5 and 5 mg/Kg/day)
↑ hepatic and muscular TG content (0.5 and 5 mg/Kg/day)
↓ plasma LMW adiponectin levels (5 mg/Kg/day)
[57] 10 μg/kg/day and
10 mg/kg/day
↓ Birth weight
↓ BW (PND 14 and PND 21)
NS birth weight PND 98 to PND 117
↑ BW and body fat content (PND 98 and PND 117)↑ insulin levels (10 μg/kg/day)
NS fasting glucose level in both doses
↑ IPGTT (10 mg/kg/day)
↓ maximal glucose
stimulated insulin release
NS fasting glucose level
[53] 50 µg/ kg/day ↓ gWAT at PND 45
glucose intolerance at PND 35
↑ BW PND 70-170
NS food intake
IR at PND 125
[54] 0.5 or 50 µg/kg/day NS BW
NS water and food intake
5 Weeks
↑ plasma TG (0.5 µg/kg/day) ↑ plasma TG (50 µg/kg/day)
52 Weeks
↓ BW (0.5 µg/kg/day)
IR (0.5 µg/kg/day)
NS plasma TG
NS cholesterol
NS leptin
NS adiponectin
↑ BW (50 µg/kg/day)
NS plasma TG
NS cholesterol
NS leptin
NS adiponectin
[47] 10 μg/kg/day ↑ hepatic TG levels at PND 196
↑ BW at PND 196
↑ insulin level at 28 weeks
↑ perigonadal fat pad weight at 28 weeks
↑ fasting blood glucose at 17 weeks but NS
impaired glucose tolerance
[48] 1 and 10 µg/mL NS BW
NS food and water intake
↑ BW both doses (PND 7-100)
↑ Blood glucose
↑ insulin
↓ serum adiponectin at (10 µg/mL BPA) PND 50
↑ BW both doses (PND 7-100)
↑ blood glucose ↑ insulin
↓ serum adiponectin
IR at (1 and 10 µg/mL BPA) PND 100
[58] 50 μg/kg/day 3 weeks
NS blood glucose
↑ serum insulin
21 weeks
↑ BW
↑ insulin resistance impaired glucose tolerance in rats’ hepatic tissue
[26] 1 or
20 µg/kg diet BPA
Both low doses
NS food intake
Impaired glucose tolerance
↑ plasma insulin
NS leptin level
NS glucose tolerance
↑ plasma leptin
[59] 10 or 100 µg/kg/day Glucose intolerance (10 µg/kg/day)
↑ insulin sensitivity
↑ leptin
↑ TG
↑ glycerol (100 µg/kg/day)
3 months
NS insulin resistance
NS glucose intolerance
6 months
↓ glucose tolerance
↑ insulin resistance
↓ BW (10 µg/kg/day)
↑ leptin (100 µg/kg/day)
3 months
NS insulin resistance
NS glucose intolerance
[49] 25 mg BPA/kg diet Did not alter the expression of insulin or increase in glucagon expression in BPA-exposed foetal pancreatic islets
[60] 100 µg/kg/day NS birth weight NS birth weight ↓ BW
3-8 months impaired glucose tolerance
3 months glucose intolerance
↓ BW
NS glucose tolerance
[61] 10 μg/kg/day and
10 mg/kg/day
16 to 21 weeks
Both doses of BPA significantly impaired insulin secretion
[62] 50ng, 50µg, or 50mg BPA/kg ↓ ADP at 50 µg BPA/kg
NS fat mass and body weight
↑ ADP ♀ (50 ng and 50 mg of BPA/kg diet)
↓ the mean baseline glucose and insulin levels
(50 mg of BPA/kg diet)
↑ fat mass and body weight
↓ serum leptin
↓ insulin and HOMA-IR (50 mg of BPA/kg diet)
[63] 50 µg/kg/day 20 weeks
↑ BW ↑ epididymal and perirenal fat pads ↑ food intake
NS fasting glucose and glucose tolerance test
↑ insulin and leptin levels
impaired glucose homeostasis
↑ food intake
[64] 0.1 mg/L NS BW
NS food intake
NS water intake
↓ glucose metabolism
[65] 0.05mg/kg/day ↑ glucose level
[66] 2.5, 25, and 250µg/kg/day NS BW
NS plasma lipid profile (cholesterol,
and TG)
[67] 20 and
40 µg/kg/day
↓ BW ↓ BW
↑ foetal serum leptin
↑ insulin levels in both treated groups

Increase (↑); decrease (↓) and non-significant relative to those in the control groups (NS). Empty cells mean the parameters were not examined in the studies.