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. 2022 Jun 30;14(13):2691. doi: 10.3390/polym14132691

Table 3.

Summary of the studies included in the systematic review.

Author and Year Study Type Studied
Studied Property Sample Size (n) Trade Name and Manufacturer of the Evaluated Materials Main Chemical Composition Specimen Fabrication Technique Shape and Dimension of Tested Resins Samples Layer Thickness and Orientation of Printing
Digholkar et al.,
2016 [36]
In vitro Flexural strength
MP n = 60
(20 per group)
(A) Heat-activated PMMA (N/M)
(B) Ceramill TEMP (AmannGirrbach)
(C) E-Dent 100 (Envisiontec GmbH)
(A) Heat cure PMMA
(C) Tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate
(A) Conventional
(B) CAD/CAM Milled
(C) 3D-Printed
Bars (25 mm × 2 mm × 2 mm) layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Tahayeri et al., 2018 [37] In Vitro Elastic modulus
Peak stress
MP N/M (A) Jet (Lang Dental In(C)
(B) Integrity (Dentsply)
(C) NextDent C&B resin (NextDent)
(B) Bisacrylic
(C) Methacrylic oligomers
(A) and (B) Conventional self-cure
(C) 3D-printed
Bars (25 × 2 × 2 mm) layer thickness: 100 μm
Orientation: 90°
Park et al., 2018 [26] In vitro Wear resistance MP n = 60
(20 per group)
(A) Jet (Lang Dental Mfg. Co.)
(B) Vipiblock PMMA Monocolor (VIPI)
(C) C&B NextDent (NextDent)
(A) conventional self-care
(B) CAD/CAM milled
(C) 3D printing
Rectangular parallelepipeds
(15 × 10 × 10 mm)
layer thickness: 100 μm
Orientation: 0°
Kessler et al., 2019 [27] In Vitro Three-body wear MP n = 40
(8 per group)
(A) TetricEvoCeram (Vivadent)
(B) Telio CAD (Ivoclar)
(C) 3Delta temp (Deltame(D)
(D) Nextdent C&B (NextDent)
(E) Freeprint temp (Detax)
(A) Bis-GMA
(C) Methacrylate
(D) Methacrylic oligomers
(E) Methacrylate-based resins
(A) Conventional
(B) CAD/CAM Milling
(C), (D), and (E) 3D-printing
Wheel-shaped layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Reeponmaha et al., 2020 [16] In vitro Fracture Strength MP n = 40
(10 per group)
(A) Unifast Trad (GC chemicals)
(B) Protemp 4 (3 M ESP(E)
(C) Brylic Solid (Sagemax bioceramics)
(D) Freeprint Temp (Detax GmbH)
(A) Methylmethacrylate resin
(B) Bis-acryl resin
(C) Highly polymerized PMMA resin
(D) Photopolymerized Methacrylate-based resins
((A) and ((B): Conventional
(C) CAD/CAM Milling
(D) 3D-printing
Provisional crowns cemented on prepared epoxy die replicated from prepared
layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Ibrahim et al., 2020 [38] In vitro Fracture Resistance MP n = 16
(8 per group)
(A) Telio CAD disc (
Ivoclar Vivadent)
(B) NextDent C&B resin (NextDent B.V)
(A) CAD/CAM Milling
(B) 3D-printing
Provisional crowns cemented on prepared epoxy die replicated from prepared tooth layer thickness: 50 μm
Orientation: N/M
Shin et al., 2020 [28] In vitro Color stability
Water sorption and solubility
PP n = 200
(40 per group)
(A) Polycarbonate block (Line dental la(B)
(B) Vipi block monocolor (Dental VIPI Ltd.)
(C) MAZIC Duro (Vericom)
(D) Nextdent C&B (Nextdent)
(E) denture teeth A2 resins (Formlabs In(C)
(A) Polycarbonate
(C) dispersed-filler
composite (DF(C)
(D) Methacrylic oligomers
(A), (B), (C): CAD/CAM Milling
(D), (E) 3D-printing
(10 mm diameter, 3 mm thickness)
layer thickness: 100 μm
Orientation: N/M
Suralik et al., 2020 [39] In vitro Fracture Strength MP n = 45
(15 per group)
(A) Jet (Lang Dental Inc.)
(B) Zirlux Temp (Henry Schein)
(C) Freeprint Temp (DETAX GmbH)
(C) Methacrylate-based resins
(A) Conventional (Self-cur(E)
(B) CAD/CAM Milling
(C) 3D-Printing
Provisional 3-unit fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) attached to implant abutments of the master metal typodont, with no luting agent. layer thickness: 50 μm
Orientation: 0°
Reymus et al., 2020 [40] In vitro Fracture load MP n = 195
(15 per group)
(A) Luxatemp (DMG)
(B) Telio CAD (Ivoclar-Vivadent)
(C) Experimental (GC Europ(E)
(D) NextDent C&B (NextDent)
(E) Freeprint temp (Detax)
F) 3Delta temp (Deltame(D)
(A) Bis-acryl Methacrylate
(B) PMMA Polymer
(C) Methylmethacrylates
(D) Methylmethacrylates
(E) Methylmethacrylates
F) Methylmethacrylates
(A) Conventional
(B) CAD/CAM milling
(C), (D), (E), and (F): 3 D printing
A full-anatomic three-unit FDP attached to a steel abutment model with no luting agent. layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Long-axis positioned either occlusal, buccal, or distal to the printer’s platform.
Revilla-León et al., 2020 [41] In vitro Color dimensions PP n = 420
(60 per group)
(A) Protemp 4 (3M ESP(E)
(B) Anaxdent (Anaxdent)
(C) FreePrint Temp (Detax)
(D) E-Dent 400 (EnvisionTE(C)
(E) C&B (NextDent)
(F) C&B MFH ((NextDent)
(G) VeroGlaze MED620 (Stratasys)
(A) Bis-acryl composite
(C) Monomer-based acrylic esters
(D) Monomer based on acrylic esters
(E) Methylmethacrylates
F) Microfilled hybrid
G) Monomer based on acrylic esters
(A) and (B) Conventional
(C), (D), (E), and (F): 3D-printed
Discs (10 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness) layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Atria et al., 2020 [42] In vitro Color stability
Surface roughness
n = 40
(10 per group)
(A) Marche (March(E)
(B) Protemp (3M ESP(E)
(C) Telio CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent)
(D) Raydent C&B (3D-Materials)
(A) acrylic resin
(B) bis-acryl resin
(D) Hybrid composite
(A) and (B): Conventional
(C) CAD/CAM Milled
(D) 3D-Printed
Rectangular blocks
(1 mm × 1.7 mm × 0.6 and 1.3-mm thickness)
layer thickness: 100 μm
Orientation: 90°
Park et al., 2020 [43] In vitro Flexural strength MP n = 75
(15 per group)
(A) Jet Tooth ShadeTM Powder (Lang Dental Co.)
(B) ViPi (VIPI Co.)
(C) NextDent C&B (NextDent Co.)
(D) Standard (GPGR04) (Formlabs Co.)
(E) PLA (ColorFabb Co.)
(E) Polylactic acid
(A) Conventional
(B) CAD/CAM Milled
(C) 3D-Print: DLP
(D) 3D-print: SLA
(E) 3D-print: FDP
3-unit FDP
fitted on the
abutment of the metal jig without cementation
layer thickness:
(C) & (D) 25–100 um
(E) 100–500 um
Orientation: 30°
Song et al., 2020 [44] In vitro color stability
Water sorption & Solubility
PP For water sorption and solubility:
n = 60
(10 per group)
For Color stability:
n = 120
(20 per group, 10 for coffee and 10 for te(A)
(A) Alike (GC Co.)
(B) Luxatemp Automix plus (DMG)
(C) PMMA Disk (Yamahachi Dental Co)
(D) Telio CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent)
(E) VeroGlaze (Stratasys)
(F) E-dent 100 (EnvisionTEC GmbH)
(A) Polymethyl methacrylate
(B) Bis-acryl methacrylate
(C) Polymethyl methacrylate
(D) Polymethyl methacrylate
(E) Bio-compatible photopolymer
(F) Multifunctional Acrylic resin
(A) and (B) Conventional
(C) and (D): CAD/CAM Milled
(E) and (F): 3D-printed
(15 mm diameter, 1 mm thickness)
layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Yao et al., 2021 [45] In vitro color stability PP n = 80
(40 per group)
(A) Temp Esthetic 98 (Harvest Dental Products)
(B) NextDent Crown and Bridge resin (NextDent)
(B) Methylmethacrylates
(A) CAD/CAM milling
(B) 3D-Printing
Provisional crowns cemented
to the 3D-printed abutment teeth with
interim luting agent
layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Abad-Coronel et al., 2021 [46] In vitro Fracture Resistance MP n = 40
(20 per group)
(A) Vipiblock Trilux: (VIPI)
(B) PriZma 3D Bio Prov: (MarkertechLabs)
(B) Light-Curing Micro Hybrid Resin
(A) CAD/CAM milling
(B) 3D-Printing
A 3-unit FDP fitted on a 3D-printed resin master typodont without any fixing agent. layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Myagmar et al., 2021 [47] In vitro Wear
Surface roughness
MP n = 48
(16 per group, later divided into 8 per subgroup based on
cycles of
chewing simulation)
(A) JetTM (Lang Dental Manufacturing)
(B) Yamahachi PMMA Disk (Yamahachi Dental Manufacturing)
(C) NextDent C&B (NextDent)
(C) Methacrylic oligomers
(A) Conventional
(B) CAD/CAM Milled
(C) 3D-Printed
rectangular parallelepipeds
(15 × 10 × 10 mm)
layer thickness: 100 μm
Orientation: 0°
Tas¸ın et al., 2021 [48] In vitro color stability
Surface roughness
n = 320
(80 per group)
Divided into 2 subgroups n = 40
(i) conventional polishing
(ii) surface sealant covering
each group (n = 10) immersed in 4 different solutions
(A) Temdent Classic (Schütz-Dental)
(B) Protemp 4 (3M ESP(E)
(C) Duo Cad (FSM DENTAL)
(D) Temporis (DWS)
(B) Bis-acryl composite resin
(D) Hybrid composite
(A) and (B) Conventional
(C) CAD/CAM Milled
(D) 3D-printed
(10 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness)
layer thickness: 100 μm
Orientation: N/M
Revilla-León et al., 2021 [49] In vitro Knoop hardness MP n = 360
(60 per group)
n = 20 per group used for testing each property
(A) Protemp 4 (3M ESP(E)
(B) Anaxdent new outline dentin (Anaxdent)
(C) FreePrint temp (Detax)
(D) E-Dent 400 C&B MFH (Envisionte(C)
(E) NextDent C&B MFH (3D Systems)
(F) Med620 VEROGlaze (Stratasys)
(A) bis-acryl resin
(B) acrylic resin
(D) Monomer based on acrylic esters
(E) Micro-Filled Hybrid Methacrylic oligomers
(F) N/M
(A) and (B): Conventional
(C), (D), (E), and (F): 3D-Printed
Disks (10 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness) layer thickness: 50 μm
Orientation: 90°
Mayer et al., 2020 [50] In vitro Fracture load
Two-body wear
MP n = 152
(48 per group for 3D-printed and 8 for CAD/CAM Mille(D)
((A) Telio CAD disc
(Ivoclar Vivadent)
(B) Freeprint temp (Detax)
((C) GC Temp PRINT (GC Europe)
((D) Next dent C&B MFH (NextDent)
After printing, excessive resin removed from the specimen’s surface in 3 ways:
(i) Centrifugation (CEN);
(ii) Chemical cleaning by Isopropanol (ISO);
(iii) Chemical cleaning by Yellow Magic (YEL)
(B) Methylmethacrylates
(D) Methylmethacrylates
(A) CAD/CAM milling
(B), (C), and (D): 3D-Printing
A full anatomic,
three-unit FDP fixed on steel abutment model with a dual-cure self-adhesive resin composite cement
layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Henderson et al.,
2022 [51]
In vitro Failure Load MP n = 180
(60 per group)
Storage time: 1 day and 30 days
Loading rate: 1,
10 and Combined 1 and 10 mm/min
(A) 3M-Paradigm (3M Oral Car(E)
(B) Solid Shade PMMA Disc (TD Dental Supply)
(C) Dentca Crown and
Bridge resin (Dentc(A)
(A) Bis-acryl resin
(C) bis-acryl resin
(A) Conventional
(B) CAD/CAM milling
(C) 3D-Printing
3-unit interim FDP cemented onto 3D-printed resin dies. layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Martín-Ortega et al., 2022 [52] In vitro Fracture Resistance MP n = 40
(10 per group)
(10 each anterior and posterior, CAD/CAM milled and 3D-printe(D)
(A) and (C): Vivodent CAD Multi: (Ivoclar Vivadent AG)
(B) and (D): SHERAprint-cb (Sher(A)
(B) Photopolymer interim dental resin
(A) CAD/CAM milling
(B) 3D-Printing
Full anatomic crowns (20 anterior and 20 posterior)
cemented on implant abutment with autopolymerizing composite resin cement
layer thickness: 50 μm
Orientation: 45°
Simoneti et al., 2022 [53] In vitro study flexural strength
Vickers microhardness
Elastic Modulus
surface roughness
before and after polishing
MP Interim single crowns
n = 40 (10 per group)
n = 40 (10 per group)
n = 40 (10 per group)
(A) Dencor (Artigos Odontológicos
Clássico Ltd.(A)
(B) Yprov Bisacryl (Yller Biomaterials)
(C) PA2201
(Stratasys Direct Manufacturing)
(D) Gray Resin (Formlabs In(C)
(B) Bis-acryl resin
(D) Oligomers methacrylates
(A) and (B): Conventional
(C) and (D) 3D-Printed SLS & SLA
Interim single crowns
4 × 2 × 10 mm
10 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness
layer thickness: N/M
Orientation: N/M
Crenn et al., 2022 [29] In vitro 3-point bending test (elastic modulus)
Flexural strength
MP n = 40
(10 per group)
(A) Integrity (Dentsply Caulk)
(B) Unifast (GC, Tokyo)
(C) PLA Bio source (Nanovi(A)
(D) Temporary CB (Formlabs)
(A) Bisacrylic
(B) Methylmethacrylate resin
(C) Polylactic acid
(D) Esterification products of 4,4′-isopropylidenediphenol
(A) and (B): Conventional
(C) 3D-printed (FDM)
(D) 3D-Printed
Bars (25 mm × 2 mm × 2 mm) layer thickness:
FDM: 100 μm
SLA: 50 μm
FDM: 0°
SLA: 0°
Tas¸ın et al., 2022 [30] In vitro Flexural strength
Modulus of elasticity
MP n =120
(30 per group, 10 each for flexural strength, resilience, and toughness)
Sub group (n = 10) based on different thermocycling
(A) Temdent Classic (Schütz-Dental)
(B) Protemp 4 (3M ESP(E)
(D) Temporis (DWS)
(B) Bis-acryl
(D) Composite resin
(A) and (B): conventional
(C) CAD/CAM Milled
(D) 3D-printed
Rectangular plate (25 × 2 × 2 mm) layer thickness: 60 μm
Orientation: 90°
Pantea et al., 2022 [31] In vitro Flexural strength
Elastic Modulus
MP n = 40 (10 per group, 5 each for flexural strength and compression strength) (A) Duracyl (SpofaDental a.s)
(B) Superpont C + B (SpofaDental a.s.)
(C) NextDent C&B MFH (NextDent)
(D) HARZ Labs Dental Sand (HARZ Labs)
(A) Auto-polymerized
(B) Pressure/heat-cured (PMM(A)
(C) Microfilled hybrid
(A) Conventional self-cure
(B) Conventional heat cured
(C) and (D): 3D-Printed
For Flexural strength: Bar shaped (80 × 20 × 5 mm)
For Compressive strength: Cylindrical shaped (25 × 25 mm)
layer thickness: 50 μm
Orientation: N/M

MP: Mechanical Property; PP: Physical Property; FS: Fracture Strength; FR: Fracture resistance; FL: Fracture load; FaL: Failure Load; N/M: Not Mentioned; CAD/CAM: Computer-Aided Designing/Computer-Aided Manufacturing; FDP: Fixed Dental Prosthesis; SLA: Stereolithography; SLS: Selective laser sintering; FDM: Fused deposition modeling; DLP: Digital light processing; UDMA: urethane dimethacrylate.