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. 2001 Mar;67(3):1052–1062. doi: 10.1128/AEM.67.3.1052-1062.2001


Appearance of dszA, dszB, and dszC genes in soils from different geographical locations, as well as in enrichment cultures, as evidenced by dsz gene-specific PCR followed by hybridizationa

Soil(s) or enrichment culture Origin Pollution level Site or time Signalb in indicated culture for:
D E1 E2 E3 E4 D E1 E2 E3 E4 D E1 E2 E3 E4
ELS Ede, The Netherlands Pristine
FOS Finland Pristine
C, V, SP Brazil Pristine
FSL Flevopolder, The Netherlands Pristine +/−
FSL + DBT Flevopolder, The Netherlands Petroleum with DBT added 7 days + + + +/− + + + + + +
7 days + + +/− + + + +
15 days + + + + +/− + + + + + + + +
15 days + + + +/− + + + + + + + +
A Amsterdam, The Netherlands (soil below oil storage tanks) Long term; low-level-pollution LP1 +/− +/− + + + + + + + + +/− + + +
LP2 +/− +
Long term; high-level pollution P1 +/− +
P2 + + +

All products were verified by direct gel electrophoresis followed by blotting and hybridization with the appropriate probes generated by PCR with R. erythropolis strain IGTS8. 


Overview of all results. Products of about 547 (dszA), 422 (dszB), and 392 bp (dszC) were scored. D, direct; E1 through E4, enrichment cultures 1 to 4 respectively. +, strong signal; +/−, weak or varying signal; −, no signal.