Emergency identification |
Yes/No |
Clinical judgement, diagnosis management |
Reaction time |
Time in seconds |
Clinical judgement, diagnosis management |
Checking patient, bystander and rescuer safety |
Yes/No |
Ethical, legal aspects and professionalism |
Checking the patient’s response |
Yes/No |
Physical exploration |
Opening of the breathing airway |
Yes/No |
Technical and procedural skills |
Checking heart and breathing rates |
Yes/No |
Physical exploration |
Diagnostic communication to emergency services |
Yes/No |
Communication skills |
Calling to emergency services |
Yes/No |
Communication skills |
Diagnosis elaboration |
Right/Wrong |
Anamnesis, triage |
Request for an automated external defibrillator (AED) |
Yes/No |
Communication skills |
Time to carry out the preliminary checks |
Time in seconds |
Technical and procedural skills |
Frequency of CPR compressions |
Number |
Technical and procedural skills |
Depth of CPR compressions |
cm |
Technical and procedural skills |
Pectoral recoil of the patient |
Complete/Incomplete |
Technical and procedural skills |
Location of CPR compressions |
Right/Wrong |
Technical and procedural skills |
Angle of application of CPR compressions |
Right/Wrong |
Technical and procedural skills |
Pause time between compressions for rescue breaths |
Time in seconds |
Technical and procedural skills |
Volume of air insufflated in rescue breaths |
Liters |
Technical and procedural skills |
Placement of the AED electrodes |
Right/Wrong |
Technical and procedural skills |
Handling the AED device |
Right/Wrong |
Technical and procedural skills |
Checking the patient’s, bystanders’ and rescuer’s safety prior to electroshock |
Yes/No |
Ethical, legal aspects and professionalism |