A Stability of Pparγ mRNA in TRIM24C52/55A and WT hepatocytes upon treatment with actinomycin-D (ActD). n = 4. p = 0.0051 (TRIM24C52/55A/6 h vs WT/6 h). B Stability of Pparγ mRNA in mouse primary hepatocytes expressing GFP-TRIM24 or free GFP upon ActD treatment. n = 3. p = 0.0496 (GFP-TRIM24/4 h vs GFP/4 h) and 0.016 (GFP-TRIM24/6 h vs GFP/6 h). C
Pparγ mRNA levels in mouse primary hepatocytes expressing GFP-TRIM24 or free GFP. n = 3. p = 0.030. D-E. Pparγ mRNA in situ hybridisation in mouse primary hepatocytes expressing GFP-LSM1 (D) or GFP-TRIM24S1043D (E). Scale bars indicate 10 μm in length. F
Pparγ mRNA in RNA immunoprecipitates (RIP) from mouse primary hepatocytes expressing GFP-TRIM24S1043D or GFP through the GFP antibody. n = 4. p = 0.017. G
Pparγ mRNA in RIP from insulin-treated mouse primary hepatocytes using the TRIM24 antibody. n = 3. p = 0.0076. H
Pparγ mRNA in RIP from HEK293 cells co-expressing Flag-EDC4 and GFP-TRIM24 or GFP using the Flag antibody. n = 3. p = 0.020 (Flag-EDC4/GFP vs Flag/GFP) and 0.012 (Flag-EDC4/GFP-TRIM24 vs Flag-EDC4/GFP). I
Pparγ mRNA in RIP in HEK293 cells co-expressing Flag-AGO2 and GFP-TRIM24 or GFP using the Flag antibody. n = 3. p = 0.0005 (Flag-AGO2/GFP vs Flag/GFP) and 0.0001 (Flag-AGO2/GFP-TRIM24 vs Flag-AGO2/GFP). J, K
Pparγ mRNA levels in the TRIM24C52/55A and WT hepatocytes upon downregulation of Edc4 (J), or Ago2 (K). J
n = 5 (TRIM24WT/siNC, TRIM24C52/55A/siNC, TRIM24C52/55A/siEdc4) and 6 (TRIM24WT/siEdc4) for Edc4. n = 5 (TRIM24WT/siNC, TRIM24WT/siEdc4) and 6 (TRIM24C52/55A/siNC, TRIM24C52/55A/siEdc4) for Pparγ. p < 0.0001. K n = 5 (TRIM24WT/siNC, TRIM24C52/55A/siNC, TRIM24C52/55A/siAgo2) and 6 (TRIM24WT/siAgo2) for Ago2. n = 6 for Pparγ. p = 0.0004 (TRIM24C52/55A/siAgo2 vs TRIM24C52/55A/siNC), and p < 0.0001 for the rest. L Ubiquitination of endogenous EDC4 in TRIM24C52/55A and WT hepatocytes. Data are given as the mean ± SEM. Statistical analyses: two-sided t-test for A–C and F, G, one-way ANOVA for H, I, and two-way ANOVA for J, K. * indicates p < 0.05, ** indicates p < 0.01, and *** indicates p < 0.001. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.