Fig. 3. Pb4S3Cl2/CsPbCl3 epitaxial heterostructures.
a On the left, models of the Cs2PbX4-like Pb2+ subnetwork (orange Pb2+) and of the CsPb2X5-like [Pb2S3Cl2]− polyanion (white Pb2+, yellow S2-, green Cl−) found in Pb4S3Cl2. On the right, model of the Pb4S3Cl2/CsPbCl3 epitaxial interface superimposed on a close-up view of c, highlighting the continuity of the Pb2+/Cs+ cationic subnetwork. The Pb4S3Cl2 structure has been represented by adapting the Pb4S3Br2 structure. Atoms color code: Cs = cyan; Pb = orange/white; S = yellow; Cl = green. b Low resolution TEM image of as-synthesized Pb4S3Cl2/CsPbCl3 heterostructures. c HAADF-STEM image of a single Pb4S3Cl2/CsPbCl3 heterostructure. Insets: FFTs of the Pb4S3Cl2 (top) and CsPbCl3 (bottom) domains. The spots circled in a solid line correspond to planes parallel to the heterostructure interface and to each other; those circled in a dashed line are instead perpendicular to the interface and share similar periodicities, ensuring the match of the two lattices. d Column intensity map of the Pb-containing columns in the perovskite phase and of the Pb columns in the Cs2PbX4-like subnetwork of the Pb4S3Cl2 domain. The color in the intensity map correlates with the total intensity scattered from the corresponding atomic column (red = higher intensity; blue = lower intensity). The map is compatible with the interface model depicted in Fig. 3a, and highlights the preservation and merging of the cationic subnetwork of the two phases across the interface. Source data for d are provided as a Source Data file.